San Joaquin responds to TEC claims

Posted on June 5, 2008 
Filed under News

Diocese of San JoaquinThe Diocese of San Joaquin: June 4, 2008, Fresno, California

The following facts are given to correct and clarify recently published misunderstandings and misstatements regarding legal claims against the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin.

All actions taken by the Diocese of San Joaquin were authorized by its governing bodies, namely, its Standing Committee and its Diocesan Council, along with Bishop Schofield. These actions were done in complete compliance with California law and were done to secure the property until a California court can rule on the issue of ownership. …

– Read the rest of this statement from the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin in response to claims made by The Episcopal Church that funds had been improperly transferred.

(See also “Merrill Lynch freezes disputed San Joaquin diocesan accounts pending court ruling” from Episcopal Life Online.)