Urgent Public Meeting of Concern — Same Sex Couples Adoption

Posted on August 28, 2010 
Filed under News

From the NSW Council of Churches:

This week in the NSW Parliament a private members bill is being rushed through to open the way for same sex couples to adopt children. The NSW Council of Churches is sponsoring a Public Meeting of concerned citizens opposed to this bill.

•    Theatrette NSW Parliament House
•    1pm–2pm Tuesday 31st August 2010
•    Speakers include Hon David Clarke (Liberal Party), Rev Hon Fred Nile (CDP) other speakers to be confirmed.
•    Please join us to make a statement of concern for the sake of the children!

And from a NSW Council of Churches Media Release:

27 August 2010
Huge change to NSW adoption law while all eyes are on Canberra

The President of the NSW Council of Churches has accused the NSW Government of seeking to fast track the introduction of a Private Member’s Bill by independent MLA Clover Moore which would allow same sex couples to adopt children in NSW.

“The Keneally Government has been sitting on the Same Sex Adoption report for a year, and it is a betrayal of proper parliamentary process to rush through a Private Member’s Bill on the first day of sitting while all eyes are on the negotiations in Canberra to form a federal government,” the Revd Richard Quadrio said.

The NSW Council of Churches is sponsoring a public meeting on same sex couples adoption to be held at the Theatrette, NSW Parliament House, from 1.00-2.00pm on Tuesday 31 August, the day on which the bill is scheduled for debate in both Houses.

“Clover Moore’s Same Sex Adoption Bill has not been debated in any way yet in the wider community. I call on Honorable Members of both Houses to proceed more slowly and to engage in greater community consultation before taking a conscience vote. Please join us to make a statement of concern for the sake of the children, both now and in the future,” Revd Quadrio said.

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