Rod Thomas retires as Bishop of Maidstone

Posted on October 3, 2022 
Filed under Church of England, People

Bishop Rod Thomas, set apart as a ‘flying bishop’ in the Church of England, has retired.

“Bishop Rod’s retirement on 2nd October 2022 was marked by a service of thanksgiving held at Oak Hill College on 1st October.”

from his website.


Reform’s Chairman Rod Thomas to be Bishop of Maidstone – 05 May 2015.

At the time, Church Society’s Lee Gatiss responded–

“Rod is the only complementarian evangelical to be made a bishop since Wallace Benn in 1997. This appointment is part of the package of compromises agreed recently by General Synod, through which women bishops have been introduced into the Church. It is a great pity that despite Synod’s overwhelming approval of the first Pilling Report, Talent & Calling, in 2007, which called for more conservative evangelicals to be considered for such roles, there has been no such appointment until today. …

It may be asked whether a single isolated new bishop is mere tokenism. Surely ‘flourishing’ implies rather more than the reluctant toleration of one among more than a hundred bishops?”

And other related posts.