Press coverage of St. John’s Shaughnessy

Posted on February 16, 2008 
Filed under News

St. John’s Shaughnessy buildingCanadian news agencies are reporting on the vote of St. John’s Shaughnessy to join the Province of the Southern Cone –

Anglican Church Loses Largest Congregation

“Rev. Short said his parish asked to be put under the jurisdiction of a Canadian bishop who shared its orthodox views, but they were offered a compromise that was not satisfactory. …

Paul Feheley, principal secretary to Archbishop Fred Hiltz, head of the Canadian Church, said Anglicanism has always contained wide areas of opinion and there is no reason for anyone to leave.”

– from The National Post.

Anglican church seeks oversight from bishop in South America

“Moments before they decided to align with an orthodox Anglican bishop in South America, members of Vancouver’s St. John’s Shaughnessy Church, one of the largest Anglican congregations in Canada, attended a Bible study session. … The study group did not talk about the blessing of same-sex unions …”

– from The Globe and Mail.

More British Columbia churches plot gay-rights rebellions

“Members of an Anglican church in Abbotsford, B.C., are expected to become the second Vancouver-area congregation in a week to split from Lower Mainland Bishop Michael Ingham over his support for same-sex blessings. …”

– from The National Post.

Anglican hierarchy is out of touch

“As a member of St. John’s Shaughnessy, I find it astonishing that the its very good work and ministry can so easily be trampled upon by the Canadian bishops. …”

– a letter to the Editor of The Vancouver Sun.

And “The unofficial website for Lambeth 2008” (from the people behind CaNNet) announces that “St. John’s Shaughnessy vanishes into thin air”!