“Our People Die Well” — John Wesley

Posted on September 20, 2013 
Filed under Opinion

Phillip JensenRemember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Hebrews 13:7

“Who are your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you? Most of us have many. In our childhood we may have been privileged to have parents who taught us God’s word, or there were Sunday school teachers or youth fellowship leaders at our church, or ISCF/Crusader teachers at school. For many it has been the pastor of our church, or the Bible study leader. During the lifetime of a Christian we usually have a range of leaders, who teach us God’s word. There are some people whose leadership stretches well beyond personal ministry to affect whole communities with their teaching of God’s word.

They speak at conventions, write books and articles, and travel to speak at evangelistic gatherings and church conferences. They become well known to the community as a whole, as they influence the culture of church life. And as we consider the outcome of the lives of those who lead us personally, we also remember and consider the lives of these more public leaders.

Recently I have been caused to remember and consider two such men, as they came to the end of their earthly life to be welcomed into the presence of the Lord of eternity …”

Phillip Jensen reflects on the ‘outcome of the way of life’ of Geoff Fletcher and Dudley Foord, as models for all who hope in Christ.