Oliver Barclay (1919–2013)

Posted on September 18, 2013 
Filed under World news

Ilver Barclay“Oliver Barclay, second General Secretary of IVF/UCCF, died at his home in Leicester… 12 September 2013, aged 94. …

Oliver first joined the small IVF team in 1945, having completed a doctorate in zoology. His original hope was to teach in one of China’s newer universities, but Douglas Johnson, IVF founding General Secretary (always known as DJ), persuaded him to defer his departure by two years. As Oliver’s newly-created role as Assistant Secretary took shape, it soon became clear that the universities of Britain and Ireland would instead be his life’s work.”

– Read the full tribute at the UCCF website. Photo via Christian Today.

For an essential understanding of the history of the IVF / UCCF, (and, by extension, IFES and AFES) see –

Related: Journey Among Students – Howard Guinness, AIO Publishing, c.1978.