Obama and the ‘constitutional right’ of abortion
Posted on January 25, 2011
Filed under Opinion
“When Barack Obama was running for President, he was described by some observers as one of the most radical candidates in the nation’s history in terms of support for abortion. Once in office, President Obama has done little to dispel that judgment. Even as the President is tracking to the middle on many issues, this is not the case when it comes to abortion…”
– Al Mohler comments on President Obama’s speech marking the 38th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.
Lats week in “What about the Twins?”, he wrote:
“The national abortion rate is over twenty percent. Just last week it was reported that the abortion rate in New York City is over forty percent, and among African-Americans in that city, nearly sixty percent. Across the United States, an abortion industrial complex now claims over a million unborn lives each year.”