Notes from another country

Posted on February 21, 2015 
Filed under Opinion, Resources

adrian-reynolds-sm2“I’ve been leading a small Cornhill missions team this last week. We’ve been abroad somewhere hot and somewhere increasingly difficult to be a Christian. It’s probably not appropriate for me to say where (or necessary, even) because I don’t want to put believers at risk.

But, as ever, my heart has been stirred and my faith has been challenged by being with believers from a different culture. For sure, other cultures have their blind spots – and they are painfully obvious. But, more to the point, being with Christians in another culture allows us to see our own blind spots more clearly. And it’s this I want to write about this week.”

– Adrian Reynolds briefly shares some challenging observations at Proclamation Trust:

Part 1 – Preaching.
Part 2 – Salvation.
Part 3 – Prayer.
Part 4 – Colonialism.
Part 5 – Persecution.