‘Newcastle Anglican Bishop … concerns about a breakaway conservative movement’

Posted on February 23, 2016 
Filed under Australian dioceses

Greg Thompson“Fractures in the Australian Anglican Church on the issue of gay clergy are set to boil over at a national meeting of bishops in early March, prompting Newcastle Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson to miss the event and accuse Sydney diocese of leading a breakaway conservative movement.

The emergence of a ‘para Anglican Communion’” was underway, Bishop Thompson said in a letter to Anglican Primate Archbishop Philip Freier in December, in which he declined to attend the annual bishops conference in South Australia from March 6 because it would give the impression of a united church that conflicted with reality.

He accused Sydney diocese of demanding other dioceses sign up to Anglican protocols on homosexuality, or Sydney would not attend any further national bishops’ conferences…”

– Story from The Newcastle Herald via SydneyAnglicans.net.

At his blog, David Ould shares some thoughts on the article.

Update: Newcastle Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson “could not simply stand by” as Sydney diocese acted against two bishopsThe Newcastle Herald.