Nairobi Communique and Commitment

Posted on October 26, 2013 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON

GAFCON 2013: Nairobi CommuniqueThe GAFCON 2013: Nairobi Communique has been released. It’s an important document.

Here’s the Conclusion –

“We are conscious of many pressures on faithful gospel witness within the church, but equally conscious of the great need the world has to hear the gospel. The need for the GFCA is greater now than when we first met in Jerusalem in 2008.

We believe the Holy Spirit is challenging us and the rest of the Anglican Communion to remain faithful to our biblical heritage; to support those who suffer as a result of obedience to Christ; to deepen the spiritual life of our churches; and to respond to anti-Christian pressures with a renewed determination to spread the gospel.

The seriousness with which we take our mission and our fellowship will be reflected in the way individual churches make the GAFCON vision their own, and in how we resource the work the GFCA seeks to initiate.

We invite all faithful Anglicans to join the GFCA.”

Delegates celebrate the adoption of the Communique and Commitment on the final day of GAFCON 2013 Photographer: Russell Powell, GAFCON

Read the Nairobi Communique and Commitment on the GAFCON website – or download it as a PDF document.

See also the highlights video for Friday.

And see the GAFCON Nairobi Photo Album.

(Photo: Delegates celebrate the adoption of the Communique and Commitment on the final day of GAFCON 2013. Photographer: Russell Powell.)