Church and religious leaders send letter on Same-Sex Marriage to Prime Minister Abbott

Posted on June 9, 2015 
Filed under Australia, Other denominations, Sydney Diocese

Archbishop Glenn Davies“Archbishop Glenn Davies has joined other church and religious leaders in signing an open letter to the Prime Minister against same-sex marriage.

Parliament could take steps to redefine marriage as early as August.

The letter, signed by Dr Davies and the Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher as well as 36 other religious leaders including the heads of Pentecostal and orthodox churches as well as senior rabbis from the Jewish community and leaders from both the Sunni and Shia Islamic communities, expresses ‘grave concerns’ regarding ‘Bills that have or will be introduced into the Federal Parliament to change the definition of marriage in Australian law’.…

It ends with a request for a meeting with the Prime Minister and MP’s to further discuss the issue.”

– read the full report at – and please be encouraged to pray about this matter.

The full text of the letter can be read here. (PDF)

and a Media Release from Catholic Communications.