I contend that twelve bishops did defy the will of the General Synod over human sexuality

Posted on June 3, 2022 
Filed under Anglican Church of Australia, General Synod

“In a recent opinion piece, Matthew Anstey provided an account of the recent debate in the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia over the meaning of marriage.

While this piece largely elaborated the Archbishop of Brisbane’s recent letter to his clergy, it contained such egregious errors of fact and attribution of motive that it calls for a response. …”

– Principal of Moore Theological College (and former ACL President) Dr Mark Thompson writes for ABC Religion and Ethics.

He concludes,

“This General Synod was remarkable for one other thing. It brought to light the remarkable work God is doing among Anglicans across the country. Anglicans with a vision for reaching the nation with the message of salvation, hope and life in Jesus Christ — Anglicans from every diocese in the national church — are joining together. Joyful in the grace they have received and wish to share with others, confident in the teaching of Christ given to us in the Bible, prayerfully dependent upon our heavenly Father, led by the Spirit as they live as disciples of Christ, they see the future as full of opportunity.

The shape of Anglicanism across the country is changing, and I believe that is a very good thing.”

Take the time to read to better understand what happened at General Synod.