How God has used GAFCON over the last 10 years

Posted on July 16, 2023 
Filed under Encouragement, GAFCON

“I’m travelling in Tanzania at the moment and am aware that many in Australia will have heard of the happenings at GAFCON in Kigali, but may not be fully aware of what led to this point and just how significant this is for our fellowship with Anglicans around the world. So let me share some of the testimony I gave to the conference about why GAFCON matters.

It was not a complete history and so I apologise for any incorrect or missing elements. But I spoke as a person who had the great privilege of attending GAFCON 2008 in Jerusalem when I was a rector in a Western Australian parish in the Diocese of Perth – a diocese self-described at that time as a liberal and progressive diocese…”

– Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel shares something of the history of GAFCON. Great cause for thanksgiving to Almighty God.

Photo: The Western Australian contingent at GAFCON 2008 in Jerusalem, with Kanishka Raffel at right. With thanks to Russell Powell.