Hot off the press: Resources for Easter

Posted on April 9, 2020 
Filed under Resources

“Today is Maundy Thursday. The Easter weekend this year is going to look very different to what all of us were anticipating, isn’t it?

In my household, there will be plenty of lament as there will be noticeably fewer chocolate eggs as the usual visits with grandparents aren’t able to take place. (Maybe I should do a quick grandparent-style panic-buy of chocolate to supplement our stash so my teenagers can still eat Easter eggs from morning til night across the long weekend…wait. Maybe not…)

Nevertheless, the good news about Jesus’ death and resurrection and what that means for the world is unchanged – even in the face of so much sickness and death. Actually, especially in the face of sickness and death. God’s word to us in these times seems to speak more loudly into our minds, hearts and souls.

On that note, here are two Easter devotional resources for families that were created over the last week or so by students at Moore College, as part of their 2020 Mission Re-imagined …”

– Bronwyn Windsor, on behalf of the team at The Australian Church Record, has some great Easter resources for you.