Getting up to speed for the CofE General Synod meeting tonight

Posted on February 11, 2025 
Filed under Church of England

The Church of England’s General Synod continues to meet tonight, Australian time.

Anglican Futures gives a taste as to what to expect:

“Synod members have received thousands of pages of reports to read in advance of this week’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod and millions of words will, I am sure be written, over the coming days. But for those who have other things to think about – here is a quick summary of what to look out for…”

They cover –

1) Will the Archbishop of York get ‘cancelled’? [Update from – no.]
2) What more can be said about the Makin Report?
3) Will General Synod vote for ‘greater’ independence of safeguarding?
4) Can the Church of England become less middle class?
5) What can be said about Living in Love and Faith in an hour?
6) Can synod fix the way bishops are chosen?
7) How can poorer dioceses avoid bankruptcy?

Read it all here.


The problem with the C of E: An open letter to Stephen Cottrell (Archbishop of York) – Ian Paul at Psephizo.