George Whitefield @ 300

Posted on December 16, 2014 
Filed under History

Whitefield Symposium“Today, three hundred years ago, on December 16, 1714, was born the man Martyn Lloyd-Jones said was ‘beyond any question, the greatest English preacher who has ever lived”. The great Bishop J. C. Ryle had said, ‘No Englishman … dead or alive, has ever equalled him.’…”

– Sandy Grant at The Briefing gives thanks for George Whitefield – and also provides some links to learn more.


Church Society has a lecture by Lee Gatiss which some of the opposition Whitefield faced, and puts it into its 18th century context.

Hear the audio of the talks given at the Whitefield Symposium at George Whitefield College in Cape Town in August 2014. (You may need to scroll down in the list of audio files.)