GAFCON Sunday 2023

Posted on June 19, 2023 
Filed under GAFCON

“This is a critical time for the Anglican Communion.

The 2022 Lambeth Conference demonstrated the deep divisions in the Anglican Communion as many bishops chose not to attend, and some of those who did withdrew from sharing at the Lord’s table.

Since then the General Synod of the Church of England voted in February 2023 to welcome proposals by the bishops to enable same-sex couples to receive God’s blessing, which is contrary to the teaching of God’s Word. Resetting the Global Anglican Communion is now an urgent matter which was welcomed in the Kigali Commitment, the statement from GAFCON IV in Kigali, Rwanda.

The goal is that orthodox Anglicans worldwide will have a clear identity, a global ‘spiritual home’ of which they can be proud, and a strong leadership structure that gives them stability and direction as Global Anglicans.

This Gafcon Sunday (25 June 2023) will mark 15 years of faithfully proclaiming the unchanging word of God to a lost and desperate world. There is much to do, and your help is needed. …”

Learn more from the GAFCON website.