GAFCON opens in prayer

Posted on June 23, 2008 
Filed under News

Abp Akinola and Bp DawaniMore than 100 leaders of the Global Anglican Future Conference joined Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem in a prayer service just hours before the opening session addressed by the Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola.

Despite the Jerusalem bishop’s public disagreement with the conference, GAFCON organisers believed that it was important for them to pray with and hear from him as the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem. … – Russell Powell reports for

In his Cathedral address to the GAFCON visitors, Bishop Suheil Dawani appealed to them not to bring any ‘decisions’ to Jerusalem –

“…I note that you say your coming here to Jerusalem is a ‘pilgrimage’. Pilgrims here do not bring decisions with them. They come here to seek prayerfully the decisions God wants them to make. And God will always surprise us. …”

The full text of Bishop Dawani’s address is available from The Episcopal Church website (link to a Word doc). VirtueOnline also has a report.

(Archbishop Peter Akinola is greeted by Bishop Suheil Dawani at St George’s Cathedral. Photo: Tundi.)