GAFCON Chairman’s Pentecost Letter 2015

Posted on May 23, 2015 
Filed under GAFCON

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala“One of the great lessons of the East African Revival was that a genuine movement of the Spirit will impress on our hearts that the Scriptures really are the inspired and authoritative Word of God.

We cannot separate the Spirit from the Spirit-inspired Scriptures. The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to enable Christians to grow in biblical holiness and to equip them with gifts to build up the church in a hostile world.

It is therefore a tragedy when Christian leaders whose minds have been captured by the spirit of the age commend the values of the world to the Church and claim they are led by the Spirit of God. …”

– Read the full letter from Archbishop Eliud Wabukala here.
(Photo: Diocese of Kenya.)