GAFCON Chairman’s October 2017 letter

Posted on October 18, 2017 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON

“Let me humbly advise Canterbury here to take urgent steps to recognise ACNA as an authentic Province of the Anglican Communion before new realignments make that need unnecessary.

It appears that the Episcopal Church of the United States (TEC) and other revisionists have now got what they failed to get at the 1998 Lambeth Conference. It seems it is now ‘officially’ possible to teach the opposite of what the Bible teaches and still be fully part of the Communion, with the only penalty being a few procedural handicaps which in practice amount to very little.

Is this now how the Primates of the Anglican Communion understand ‘Walking Together’? It has become clear that the Communiqué does not represent the reality of the meeting. …”

– Read all of GAFCON Chairman Archbishop Nicholas D. Okoh’s October 2017 pastoral letter at this link.


Ferrying the Primates across the rubicon: Lambeth Resolution I.10 and the 2017 Primates Meeting – Dr Stephen Noll.

Can Two Walk Together Unless They Are Agreed? – GAFCON’s Initial Response to the Primates’ Meeting 2017 Communique.

Communique? from the Primates’ Meeting Canterbury Cathedral, England, 2-6 October 2017 (PDF).