Fort Worth releases guidelines for parishes who may wish to leave

Posted on March 4, 2008 
Filed under News

Bishop Jack IkerWhat would happen if a diocese voted to leave the Episcopal Church, while some of its parishes preferred to remain? How should those who belong to Jesus act in this matter? The Diocese of Fort Worth has published Guidelines to be followed if a parish wished to initiate a separation –

The leadership of this diocese has watched with sadness as issues and attitudes have caused deepening differences at all levels in the Anglican Communion. Adding to this rupture of the bonds of affection are the growing numbers of lawsuits being filed by those who once were unified in faithful witness and ministry. “Disagreement and division may be inevitable,” commented Dean Ryan Reed, President of the Standing Committee, “but Christian charity must not be sacrified in the process.” The purpose of the Canon and the Guidelines is to provide for a charitable parting, if parting is necessary.

– from a press release from the Diocese of Fort Worth.