Crisis in the Anglican Communion: recent history and potential outcomes

Posted on January 8, 2016 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON

The Rev Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream“GAFCON presents itself not as an alternative, breakaway Anglican Communion, but as the majority of the Anglican Communion, committed to renewing worldwide Anglicanism based on united confession of Christ and adherence to the Bible and the historic formularies, and necessarily rejecting revisionist doctrine and practice.

They are calling on Archbishop Justin to exercise leadership, and re-commit the Anglican Communion to a clear orthodox theology and practice as a basis for united mission in the world…”

Anglican Mainstream’s Andrew Symes pens an overview of where the Anglican Communion stands, how we came to this point, and possible outcomes to next week’s Primates’ Meeting called by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Background reading:

– all from our Resources section.

We urge all our readers to pray for a Christ-honouring outcome to the Primates’ Meeting.

And from The Anglican Mission in England:

 would like to welcome the GAFCON Primates to England for the Primates’ meetings in Canterbury, 11-15 January, and assure them (and the other Primates) of our prayers for this significant meeting.

We are grateful to the GAFCON Primates for their support of our work in England as well as recognising the Anglican Mission in England ‘as an authentic expression of authentic Anglicanism both for those within and outside the Church of England‘ (Nairobi Commitment 5).

Along with others we are encouraging all  supporters to pray for Archbishop Justin Welby, the Primates and for a God-glorifying outcome to their meetings.”