Covenant unlikely to help: Venables

Posted on April 28, 2008 
Filed under News

Archbishop Gregory VenablesIn an interview for VirtueOnline, Archbishop Gregory Venables in Vancouver has spoken of the reality of a broken Communion and the unlikelihood of an Anglican Covenant helping things –

“Since we don’t stand together on Scripture or the creeds, it is unlikely that a covenant will do what they (Scripture and creeds) have failed to do. If we don’t stand on these two basic foundations, we are unlikely to stand on a Covenant regardless of how many drafts are written or how long it takes. The likelihood is that the language will be so nuanced that even orthodox folk will think that something has been said to satisfy them, when in fact it hasn’t.”

Other issues covered in the interview include his use of the ‘divorce’ illustration and also Bishop Tom Wright’s criticism of GAFCON.

The interview is available at VirtueOnline.