Communique from GSFA leaders meeting in Cairo

Posted on October 23, 2023 
Filed under Global South

Leaders of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches have just released this Communique after their meeting in Cairo last week –

“Anglican orthodox leaders met at All Saints’ Cathedral in Cairo, Egypt from 17th – 19th October 2023. The theme for the meeting was ‘I will make you as a light to the nations’ (Isaiah49: 6b). This resonates deeply with the essence of our faith and the mission of the Church.

In his opening address, the chairman of GSFA, Archbishop Justin Badi encouraged us as followers of Jesus to be bearers of God’s light by living and proclaiming His Truth in a sin-ruined and broken world. …”

Do read it all here.

Also see this summary of the meeting:

GSFA brings hope and builds orthodox unity in the Anglican Communion


Historic meeting backs world mission and a ‘firewall’ against false teaching – Russell Powell at