Christian Doctors oppose South Australian ‘End of Life’ bill

Posted on September 14, 2011 
Filed under News

Here’s a press release from the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia, relating to a bill (Herald Sun story) before the South Australian parliament –

Christian Doctors Oppose Keys ‘End of Life’ Bill

The South Australian branch of the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia (CMDFA)  joins with many individuals and groups throughout South Australia, including the AMA South Australian branch and the Law Society (SA branch) to oppose the proposed amendments that would increase the vulnerability of patients by making it easier for doctors to provide treatment that shortened a person’s life. 

Dr Daniel Thomas, CMDFA South Australian Chair  and Dr Michael Burke, CMDFA national Executive Officer are both shocked and disturbed by  a “serious lack of protection for patients” in the proposed bill put forward by MP Stephanie Keys.

Dr Daniel Thomas stated “We are concerned that the individuals at times of illness are vulnerable to devaluing their lives. We also raise concern that the health profession has historically been firmly based on a foundation of doing no harm. We seek to create an environment that does not further increase the vulnerability of those who are unwell and vulnerable, and we ask that health professionals be not placed in the contradictory position of facilitating the death of people under their care.”

Dr Michael Burke stated “We affirm the dignity of each individual and their right to appropriate health care that is compassionate and caring. A comprehensive and integrated approach is needed that addresses the physical, social and psycho-spiritual needs of all concerned. Hence we call for the continued strengthening of palliative care services and their increased accessibility to patients and their families.”

We are firmly opposed to any moves to legalise euthanasia or physician assisted suicide in South Australia.

Dr Daniel Thomas
State Chairperson
CMDFA South Australia

Dr Michael Burke
Executive Officer
Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia.”

(via e-mail. CMDFA website.)