Chappo and the Hallway challenge

Posted on August 21, 2009 
Filed under Resources

ChappoMuch loved evangelist John Chapman has recorded a two minute video to encourage you to pray for your unsaved friends, and to use the resources available for Connect09.

The video is available at and would be ideal to play in church.

As always, Chappo reminds us what it is really all about:

“People who are apart from Christ are lost. Their plight is desperate. They need to be forgiven. And they need to find Jesus as a Friend – as a Saviour. They need to know that he’s died so their sins can be forgiven.”

Tip: You can download the video files from, but if you have problems playing them (we did), the 76MB mpeg4 file can be downloaded from Vimeo. You’ll need to register with Vimeo if you haven’t already, and then on this page, the download option is on the very bottom right (“Download Quicktime version”).

Our thanks to the team at Anglican Media Sydney for making these videos available.