Oliver Barclay (1919–2013)

Ilver Barclay“Oliver Barclay, second General Secretary of IVF/UCCF, died at his home in Leicester… 12 September 2013, aged 94. …

Oliver first joined the small IVF team in 1945, having completed a doctorate in zoology. His original hope was to teach in one of China’s newer universities, but Douglas Johnson, IVF founding General Secretary (always known as DJ), persuaded him to defer his departure by two years. As Oliver’s newly-created role as Assistant Secretary took shape, it soon became clear that the universities of Britain and Ireland would instead be his life’s work.”

– Read the full tribute at the UCCF website. Photo via Christian Today.

For an essential understanding of the history of the IVF / UCCF, (and, by extension, IFES and AFES) see –

Related: Journey Among Students – Howard Guinness, AIO Publishing, c.1978.

Christians face increasing violence in Egypt

give-hope“The Bible Society in Egypt has reported attacks on two of its bookshops in Assiut and Minia, two of the largest cities in Southern Egypt, as well as 15 churches and three Christian schools that they know of.”

The Bible Society has launched an appeal to help Christians in Egypt.

Exodus International closes down

Exocus International to close down“A day after apologizing for its existence, the board of directors of Exodus International announced they were throwing in the towel and giving in to the culture:

‘Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it’s closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry. The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and prayer about the organization’s place in a changing culture…’ ”

– from Stand Firm, who also have a link to Robert Gagnon’s response.

Kirk could lose £1m a year over gay ordination

Church of Scotland“The Church of Scotland stands to lose more than £1 million a year in givings as congregations begin resigning from the Kirk in the row over gay ordination.

The first wave of resignations has seen six congregations quit, with half of the parishes in the Kirk’s financial heartland. The controversy could have a bigger impact on Kirk coffers as more are expected to follow over the next two years. …”

– story from The Herald Scotland. (h/t Anglican Mainstream.)

Tragedy in Scotland

Church of ScotlandTwo reflections on this week’s compromise vote in the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly spell out the sadness and tragedy of a denomination which walks away from the word of God –

Louis Kinsey, Church of Scotland minister in Aberdeen,

“For those who look on, it must seem that the Church of Scotland is simply not able to make judgements on the basis of Holy Scripture, but only by sentiment and story, and by expediency and pragmatism.”

An Open Letter to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2013.

and David Robertson, Free Church minister in Dundee,

“The liberals who reject the Bible as the Word of God, are delighted, declaring that this is the Holy Spirit speaking through the Church. … But many of us who love the Church of Scotland are devastated. Why? Because yesterday, and it pains me as I write this, the Church of Scotland wrote its own suicide note.”

–  The Church of Scotland, RIP?

Church of Scotland claims ‘common ground’ in sexuality debate

Church of Scotland“The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in a groundbreaking decision called for the Church to maintain its historic doctrine in relation to human sexuality but, in line with the Kirk’s historic position of allowing congregations to call their own minister, to permit an individual Kirk Session to call a minister in a civil partnership if it chooses to do so. The Legal Questions Committee and the Theological Forum will bring reports to next year’s General Assembly about how this will be achieved. In the meantime courts and committees of the General Assembly will maintain the status quo. …”

This report from the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly claims ‘common ground’ in continuing to allow congregations to ignore its own official doctrine.

Related: Church of Scotland votes to allow gay ministersThe Scotsman.

Earlier stories – including:

“We believe the Church of Scotland is choosing to walk away from the biblical gospel, and to walk apart from the faith of the worldwide Christian Church.” – St. George’s Tron, Glasgow, secedes from Church of Scotland (June 2012).

Good news for Vanuatu

New Testament in Bislama“The opening of this container was the fulfillment of close to a 4 year project. … we pray that God’s Word would not only go out but we would see a revival in relationship with God through His Word in Vanuatu.”

– Rejoicing with those who rejoice – the New Testament in Bislama is again available.

George Beverly Shea

George Beverly Shea“George Beverly Shea, 104, of Montreat, North Carolina, soloist of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), died this evening following a brief illness.

Since George Beverly Shea first sang for Graham in 1943 on the Chicago radio hymn program, “Songs in the Night,” Shea has faithfully carried the Gospel in song to every continent and every state in the Union. Graham’s senior by ten years, Shea devotedly preceded the evangelist in song in nearly every Crusade over the span of more than one-half century. …”

– News from The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Related: Bruce Ballantine-Jones’ testimony.

Howard G. Hendricks

Howard G. HendricksProfessor Howard G. Hendricks – author and Christian educator at Dallas Theological Seminary for more than 50 years – has died. There’s a tribute page at DTS.

More from Justin Taylor.

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