Bishops demand UK Government offer asylum to Iraqi Christians

Iraqi Christians“From Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Baghdad: ‘We have just had terrible news that Baghdad International Airport has been shut down because of security risks. Without it we cannot go North to do the relief work or even leave the country. Please pray that we can get out.’

As the Islamic State continues its programme of bloody executions and forced conversion, Canon White bears witness to the suffering…”

– Blogger “Cranmer” on the deterirotaing situation in Iraq. (h/t Anglican Mainstream.)

Related: Iraqi Christians ‘should be offered asylum in UK’ – bishop. – BBC News.

Samaritan’s Purse doctor infected with Ebola now in US hospital

dr-kent-brantly-samaritans-purse“Samaritan’s Purse doctor Kent Brantly, who contracted the Ebola virus while treating patients in Liberia, is now back home in the United States.

A medical evacuation plane equipped with a special containment unit arrived at Dobbins Air Force Base in Atlanta today…”

Dr. Kent Brantly was serving as medical director for the Samaritan’s Purse Ebola Consolidated Case Management Center in Monrovia, Liberia, when he fell ill.

Archbishop of Sydney calls for an end to Iraqi persecution

Archbishop Glenn DaviesPublic Statement

July 30, 2014

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has joined calls for prayer and international assistance for Iraqi Christians facing severe persecution, even death, for their faith.

“It is an outrage that a community established in the early centuries of the Christian era should face expulsion from their own land, simply for their faith.” Dr Davies said.

In Mosul, near the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh, the militant Islamic group ISIS gave Christians an ultimatum: convert to Islam, pay a “protection tax” or face death.

Churches have been looted, burned or occupied. Christian homes have been marked with the Arabic letter “N” (for the word ‘Nasrani’ which translates to ‘Nazarene’, a follower of Jesus).

Thousands of Christian families have been driven from the city.

“In the same area where God sent the prophet Jonah to turn back the people of Nineveh from their evil ways, we pray for a turning back of the evil which has come upon the Christians of Mosul, stripped of their livelihood, property and possessions.”

“The Australian government, the international community and the UN must not stand by while such persecution continues unabated.” Dr Davies said.

The Archbishop called on churches to pray for peace and justice in Iraq and also for Palestinian Christians caught in the conflict on the West Bank and the Gaza.

“We have entered a period of significant suffering for Christians around the world: from Iraq to Syria and from Egypt to Sudan.” the Archbishop said. “While the Cross is the symbol of suffering for all who are followers of Jesus of Nazareth, we have a responsibility to stand with our brothers and sisters in the face of such unmitigated persecution.”

– from


Story from

The silence is deafening – Catholic Herald.

‘Isis militants blow up Jonah’s tomb’

iraq“Islamic State (Isis) militants have blown up a revered Muslim shrine traditionally said to be the burial place of the prophet Jonah in Mosul, residents of the city said.”

– report from The Guardian. (h/t

Related: Bishop Mouneer: World not doing enough for Iraqis.

Christians raped, murdered and driven from their homes

Dr Tim Stanley“For the first time in 1,600 years, Mass is not being said in Mosul: an ancient culture has been wiped out in a matter of weeks.

It’s a war crime that, strangely, no one seems to want to talk about …”

– Opinion piece by Tim Stanley in The Telegraph.

‘Why Christians are under pressure to exit Iraq’

church_guard“The Archbishop of Mosul Amel Nona said that in the 11 years following the 2003 US-led overthrow of Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein, Christians in Mosul had declined from 35,000 to 3,000. This week, Mosul’s last remaining Christians had left their homes, he said.”

This report from World Watch Monitor summarises the precarious situation for Christians in Iraq. (h/t Anglican Mainstream.)

‘Complete the Great Commission’ — new SBC President

Dr Ronnie FlloydNewly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, has called for Christians everywhere to be committed to the Great Commission and to Prayer, being mindful of the lostness of the world.

“Mohler, in his nomination speech, said Floyd, 58, has ‘the Great Commission in his heart’… ‘At this crucial hour, we Southern Baptists desperately need a leader who can … articulate our message in the midst of most trying times… He will stand without compromise, articulate with clarity, and lead us with confidence.’…” – Baptist Press report.

See also Dr Floyd’s Press Conference video.

‘Tough new sharia law takes effect in Brunei’

Brunei“Brunei has become the first country in South-East Asia to introduce sharia law, despite widespread condemnation from human rights groups. …”

– Report from ABC News.

Bible Society Malaysia raided, Bibles confiscated

Bibles confiscated“321 Bibles were confiscated yesterday by Jais, a Malaysian Islamic authority, who arrested the Bible Society’s chairman Lee Min Choon and office manager Sinclair Wong and took them to Damansara Utama police station where they were later released on bail.”

– Story and image from Eternity Newspaper.

Do you want more this Christmas?

Phillip Jensen, Dean of SydneyWe are a society that wants more. More money, more gadgets, more food, more fun. But strangely, wanting more often leaves us feeling dissatisfied. We finally get the thing we longed for, and yet all too soon it is broken, or the batteries have run down or it isn’t as good as we hoped.  Read more

Franklin Graham requests prayer for his father

Billy Graham“My father turned 95 this past November 7, and I am pleased to say that my family was able to be with him as he celebrated another milestone in his long and productive life.

Joined by many colleagues and friends from around the nation and the world at this celebration, he spoke briefly of these friendships and did not fail to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ. This will forever be his legacy which is, as the Bible says, a testimony to the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Since that night a few short weeks ago, he has had another bout with a respiratory infection and was hospitalized briefly before returning home to recuperate. …”

– Franklin Graham requests prayer for his much-loved Dad.

Christian B&B couple defend marriage policy

Peter and Hazelmary Bull On ITV’s Daybreak programme yesterday, Peter and Hazelmary Bull were interviewed about their decision to appeal to the UK Supreme Court .

Via Anglican Mainstream. Related: Judge rules against Christians in B&B case, but allows appeal. Image: ITV.

Billy Graham prepares ‘perhaps my last message’

Archbishop Marcus Loane and Billy Graham 1979“I watch the news daily and my heart is burdened. When I hear despair in people’s voices, when I see the turmoil on their faces, it tells me that hopelessness abounds. …

This is exactly why I have written the book [The Reason for My Hope: Salvation] and why our ministry is launching ‘My Hope America’ television program this November. It could perhaps be my last message which is this — Christ is our hope for today and our promise for tomorrow — and it is fulfilled in the great work He did for mankind on the cross when He paid the penalty for our sin. He offers salvation to those who will ‘come’ to Him, believe in what He has done and what He has said, and obediently follow Him.”

– Billy Graham was interviewed for NewsMax. Photo courtesy Ramon Willams.

Billy Graham writes to Iran’s President

Pastor Saeed Abedini“Dear President Rouhani,

I have been watching with great concern about the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American citizen who is currently a prisoner in your country. He was in Iran working to build an orphanage when he was arrested and later sentenced to eight years in prison. …”

Read it here. Photo of Pastor Saeed Abedini: BGEA.

Christians now suffering mass martyrdom, says Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop Welby. Photo: Archbishop of Canterbury's website“The Most Rev Justin Welby said that there had been more than 80 Christian “martyrs” in the last few days alone.

He was speaking about the bombing of All Saints Anglican church in Peshawar, Pakistan, in which 85 were killed and more than 200 injured. But he said that Christians were also being singled out for violence in a string of other countries.”

– from The Telegraph.

Related: As Lambs in the Midst of Wolves – six godly reactions to persecution, drawn from 1 Peter.

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