Bishop of Bathurst’s HOPE25 Newsletter

The Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has released his HOPE25 Newsletter.

Many churches around Australia are planning to take part in the HOPE25 “intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus” between Easter and Pentecost.

Find your copy here – food for your prayers.

Crucifixion Historicity

“Friends in Christ, on Monday as I left the Cathedral to go home, my exit was impeded by a Muslim man praying right outside our office door on the landing. I had to excuse myself and step over and around him. But something, presumably the Holy Spirit, then prompted me to pause and pray for his salvation for as long as it took him to finish his set prayers.

I then explained that he should not pray so as to block a doorway. It could impede people in an emergency. He did apologise but his excuse was to say it was a house of God. I said, it was a Christian house of God. He then claimed we all worship the same God.

However as we talked a little further, it emerged that we disagreed over whether Jesus died on the cross. …”

– Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant reminds us of the solid historical attestation for the Crucifixion. From the Cathedral newsletter 16 January 2025.

Three Recommendations for Parents

“Being a parent is a joyful struggle. In my mind, it’s pure, undistilled hospitality: ‘Hey there! Make yourself at home … forever.’

As with any act of hospitality, there can be so much joy—there’s a new perspective on the world to discover and appreciate as it forms and matures; a new heart to embrace with all its loves and dreams and fears.

But as with any act of hospitality, there can also be struggles. This new perspective doesn’t know your way of doing things; their ways may irk you. This new heart may love different things, dream in different directions, or fear peculiar things—all of which makes everyday tasks more complicated, like breakfast, shopping, or going to the toilet.

Unlike other acts of hospitality, there is a pressure and constancy with parenting that can make it more difficult. Even change itself is constant, such that raising children often feels like we’re always playing catchup.

So here are three very different resources I’ve found particularly helpful as I navigate this parental calling. …”

– Callan Pritchard shares “three very different resources” at The Australian Church Record.

‘Your Word’ — updated arrangement from Emu Music

First published in 2017, “Your Word”, a beautiful song about Scripture, has just been re-released in a new arrangement for Emu Music’s 25th anniversary.

In an e-mail to supporters, they explain what the song is about –

“Your Word was written to fill the gap in congregational music of songs about the Bible, not just from the Bible.

So what does the Bible say about itself? We opened up the Psalms and spent time reading and reflecting on Psalms 19 and 119. We hoped to capture David’s delight in and dependence on God’s law, particularly in the passages quoted below.*

The chorus centres on the well-known verse from Psalm 119: ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path’.

The bridge of the song took a different direction as we began to explore the implications of a perfect, powerful, timeless, enduring word for us today.

As the Bible comes under attack in our society, we want to affirm that it’s not just ink on paper or old stories, but that it is life-giving, powerful, and the greatest love story ever told. Ultimately, God’s word is not only the creating Word (his breath into dust creating man) but the Creator Word (Jesus!).

We hope and pray that this song helps you and your churches to delight in God’s word, but more than that, to love and obey the one to whom it testifies. For a Sunday service, we think it works really well as a pre-Bible reading song!”

* The Bible passages mentioned are –
Psalm 19:7-11, Psalm 119:89-92, John 1:1-3, 14.

Watch a recording of Your Word here.

Audio tracks and sheet music are available to purchase from their website.

A song which could be a real blessing to your church!

Latest Issue of Australian Journal of Law and Religion

“I’m very pleased to note that the latest online issue of the Australian Journal of Law and Religion (2024, vol 5) has just become available (free to download) …”

Neil Foster at Law and Religion Australia writes , and draws attention to two articles in the current issue.

The Gender Revolution — a new blog to go with the book

The authors of the book The Gender Revolution, Patricia Weerakoon, Rob Smith, and Kamal Weerakoon, have started a blog to discuss related topics.

The first post, Every Body Has Authority, by Kamal Weerakoon, is now online.

The book is published by Matthias Media. (It’s also on special at the moment!)

See a review by Tim Challies:

“There are times when I receive a new book and find myself saying ‘I don’t think we need a new book on that.’ …

Yet sometimes I receive a new book and find myself saying, ‘I’m so glad someone has written a book on that!’ …

The Gender Revolution falls squarely in the second category. This is a book that has been written to provide a biblical, biological, and compassionate response to the modern day gender ideology that has been flooding our world and sweeping away so many victims.”

Image: Matthias Media.

Godliness vs Effectiveness — the Both/And Dilemma

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Godliness vs Effectiveness
Theology vs Pragmatics
People centered vs Organisationally minded
Leading from the front vs Serving others
Courage to take a stand vs Quick to submit
Others know I am one of them vs I am set apart to lead
I lead patiently vs I lead with a sense of urgency

Most Christians at some point do start to wonder if they are the real deal. What God asks of us is so far reaching, so all encompassing, that when we come up short, we start to ask ourselves “Am I an imposter?” “Should I really be a leader?” and perhaps/Am even a Christian at all?’”

Dominic Steele speaks with Gary Millar, the Principal of Queensland’s Theological College and author of a new book ‘Both/And Ministry.’

Expository Preaching Trust Activities 2025

The Expository Preaching Trust has published some details of its planned activities for 2025, including events at Armidale Anglican Cathedral as well as meetings at Sutherland, Abbotsford, Wahroonga, and Drummoyne.

Much encouragement for preachers.

See all the details at their website.

Mothers Union Sydney annual seminar 2025

Mothers Union Sydney has details of their 2025 Annual Seminar coming up on Friday 28th February.

Speakers and topics:
Shining Like Stars – Anna Brotherson
Living in a Secular Age – Steve McAlpine
Equipping Our Children – Al James and Beth Braga

It’s free, but registration is required. Read about it and register here.

William Taylor: ‘Give yourself wholly to the work of the Lord’

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“What is the work of the Lord? What is in vain if the resurrection is not true? What truly lasts and what does gospel work looks like in our daily lives?

The debate over eschatology and one’s view of the new heavens and new earth.   Will there be a Sydney Harbour Bridge in the new creation?

And in the meantime, what should be our priorities?

William Taylor is the rector of St Helen’s Church in London, where he is engaged in ministry to city workers.

He has written the book ‘Revolutionary Work’ to address these issues.”

Watch or listen here.

A reminder to pray for those in authority

As we think of Australian leaders responding to anti-Semitism, or the new Administration in the USA, it’s good to remember these words from 1 Timothy 2:1-4:

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” – ESV.

Related: Dr Albert Mohler shares his take on the events of the Inauguration early today Australian time. (Link corrected.)

How to Choose a New Church

“The start of the year is often a time when Christians move to new places and so need to find a new church. Is that you? If so, for what it’s worth, here are my tips on how to go about it.

What should you look for in a church? At least three characteristics. …”

– Des Smith, at Trinity Church Lockleys in Adelaide, has some advice you may find helpful. At The Gospel Coalition Australia.

Photo: Christ Church Cathedral, Darwin.

New Year, New Habits?

“We are creatures of habit. Our bodies thrive on routine—we get hungry at roughly the same times, we generally like routines, and we naturally form habits. This is by God’s design. Neuroscience confirms that repetition ingrains behaviours, creating neural pathways that make actions automatic.

While we wait for our eternal home in the new creation, we want to harness our natural habit-forming tendency—for good. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Bronwyn Windsor writes to encourage us to consider what sort of people we should be.

Anglican Aid’s 2025 Prayer Diary

Anglican Aid have published their 2025 Prayer Diary as a PDF file on their website.

If you don’t receive a printed copy at church, this is a great alternative.

And don’t forget that you can also subscribe to Anglican Aid’s feed in the PrayerMate app for the content from the Prayer Diary.

Dyslexia-Friendly Bibles now available in ESV & CSB

This video from Tim Wildsmith (who makes videos about Bible design) highlights the arrival of “Dyslexia-Friendly Bibles”.

These are typeset by 2K/DENMARK, who are well-known for their experience in Bible typesetting.

Here’s a promotional video from Crossway about their ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition, due to be published in March 2025. (It can be pre-ordered from Reformers in Sydney, and, doubtless, other Christian bookshops.)

From Crossway:

“Approximately 17 percent of the global population has dyslexia, yet many do not have the proper resources to easily read God’s Word. The ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition features a specialized typeface and typesetting to help those with dyslexia read the Bible with more clarity and comfort.”

(No, this is not an advertisement. Many people will benefit from these Bibles.)

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