Improving self reflection to strengthen resilience in ministry workers
From The Pastor’s heart this week:
“A new study shows that training in systematic self reflection will develop resilience among ministry workers, who are at risk of stress related ill health.
Self reflective resilience training is beneficial to those in ministry roles and programs in this area can minimise stress related ill health.
BUT, Not all self reflection is equal.
Organisational Psychologist with Sydney’s Center for Ministry Development Kirsty Bucknell has surveyed and tested a significant number of Australian Protestant Ministry workers to analyse the relationship between self reflection and mental health outcomes. …”
The Power of Words — How could we keep silent? Two Ways News podcast
From Phillip Jensen:
“Sadly Peter was sick when we recorded this episode of Two Ways News, so it is a solo effort for today’s topic. Thankfully, Peter has now recovered.
From Genesis 1 we see the power of God’s word, which is part of God’s wisdom by which he created the world. Thus, the power of words is one of the joys and problems of life. The devil’s power is in his lying words. Yet it is God’s word that never returns to him empty but always achieves his purposes. Understandably but wrongly, this leads people in authority to censorship.”
– Listen here.
Do your Sunday Songs pass the test?
“How does a pastor decide which songs to introduce? Why one song and not another? Here are a gauntlet of questions I ask when considering a new song for my church.
If we’re going to sing a song on Sunday, it’s got to pass all the way through. …”
– At The Gospel Coalition, Brandon Ryan addresses an important question.
A short reflection on the significance of Lent
On the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page, Bishop Mark Calder has a short reflection on the significance of Lent (which began on Wednesday).
– Watch here. (May require a login to Facebook.)
Guides to Focussed Personal and Corporate Prayer
“One Sunday last year a member of our church, a dear sister who is intentional about her faith, came to me with great joy and shared that over morning tea there had been a deep Christian conversation at her table. It had unfolded quite naturally and everyone on the table was involved.
I suspect this may have happened because everyone at that table has been involved in a church-wide project, using a book in the Five Things to Pray series…”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Meredith van der Klip highlights a ‘simple but brilliant” (says Sinclair Ferguson) resource.
A pod for God
“Before Steve Jobs at Apple invented the iPod, podcasts were called radio shows. As someone who made radio shows for 30 years, perhaps I am not the best person to review podcasts. But then again, maybe I am. Because the basic rules haven’t changed much.
Rule number one is to say something interesting. Rule number two is to be listenable. Sounds simple, right? But not every podcast follows these rules, as just about anyone with a microphone and an internet connection can now be a podcaster. …”
– At, Russell Powell introduces a new podcast he has discovered.
The Evangelism and New Churches podcasts page has links to the Fire Up podcast and all the previous episodes on Apple or Spotify.
Openness to Jesus among young people — The Pastor’s Heart
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“We are hearing reports from the university campuses, from young adult ministries, and from youth groups – that there is an increasing openness to the gospel of Jesus – and there’s a new openness among young men.
There’s a shift in the culture. There’s something happening that is different among young people – Especially among young men.
There’s a greater biblical ignorance in the rising generation. But significantly more openness.
There’s less hostility when compared to a decade ago. Walk up evangelism is easier and people are more open to discussing their views on Jesus.
And people are being saved. And young men are being saved
Andy Stephenson heads the Youth Ministry support team for Anglican Youthworks.
Dave Jensen works with Evangelism and New Churches encouraging and mobilizing churches in Evangelism and is one of the keynote speakers at the Nexus Ministry Conference on 17 March 2025.
Katie Stringer is involved in high school ministry across Sydney’s secular inner west.”
Word in Song Conference Sydney 2025 — 22 March
From Emu Music:
“Are you passionate about singing that is deeply rooted in Scripture? The Word in Song Conference is a place where worship leaders, musicians, and church members come together to be equipped, inspired, and encouraged – helping you and your church grow in a gospel-centred approach to music and ministry.”
– Details here.
Christ and Creation — Two Ways News podcast
From Phillip Jensen:
“Dear Friends,
Hello again, thanks for the feedback and encouragement. Peter and I are enjoying chatting over the great themes of the Creator and creation in Genesis 1.
So far, we have been struck by the opening words ‘In the beginning God created’, which take us to the idea of one God and one universe. But yet when we come to John chapter 1 we find that the word by which God created all, became flesh in the person of Jesus. Furthermore, in Colossians 1, the world was created not only through God’s son but also for him.
So, in this week’s Two Ways News we are exploring the place of Christ in creation. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did in making it.”
– Listen here.
Who is Melchizedek?
“Who is the greatest in the book of Genesis? Abraham? Wrong! The greatest man in Genesis is Melchizedek.
‘Who?’, you say. Even if you have been a Bible reader for a while, your knowledge of Melchizedek may be a little sketchy. Who was he? And why does he matter?
Melchizedek appears in three places in the Bible. We will take these in turn and see how they fit together.…”
– Christopher Ash, Writer-in-Residence at Tyndale House in Cambridge, begins a new series, ‘Curious characters in the Bible’, by exploring questions around the mysterious Melchizedek.
Praying for the Muslim world during Ramadan
Various groups produce resources to help Christians pray gospel-focussed prayers for Muslim people during the month of Ramadan. Here is one such resource which you can purchase and download:
“30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World has been inviting Christians to pray with love and respect for Muslim peoples around the world since 1993.”
Creator, King and Country — The importance of the first five words
From Phillip Jensen:
Citizenship is a wonderful thing. To be part of something larger than yourself gives meaning purpose and identity. Peter and I grew up in the British Empire having been born before the granting of Australian citizenship. It was for the Empire that our parents and grandparents generation went to the world wars. Today that is almost unimaginable, for now people find their identity in being Australians.
However, when we read Genesis 1 we are confronted with a ruler who is over and above every empire and nation because he is the Creator of all things. In this episode of Two Ways News we look at the meaning and implications of the opening words of Genesis 1.
– Listen here.
Rob Smith: The body and the gendered self
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“As pastors we’re expressing leadership in our churches on gender and sexuality. We want to help our people think biblically – and yet with the culture moving so fast – it is an area that we feel ill equipped.
On today’s Pastor’s Heart we benefit from the hard work of Sydney Missionary and Bible College Theology and Ethics lecturer Rob Smith who has just published a reworked version of his PhD under the title ‘The body God gives’.
As transgender visibility reaches new heights, we explore its historical and philosophical roots, noting the pivotal cultural shifts since the ‘Transgender Tipping Point’ in 2013.
We outline the biblical stance on the sex and gender binary while engaging with contemporary philosophical debates.
We dissect the relationship between second-wave feminism and the transgender movement.
Our discussion ventures into the diverse theories surrounding sex and gender, distinguishing between non-trans, soft trans, hard trans, and queer perspectives.”
“Rob has done us a great service with this book.” – Dominic Steele.
“Hate speech” and religious freedom: Recent developments in Australia
“Recently there have been a number of legislative moves or proposals attempting to deal with issues around the area of ‘hate speech’. The term of course is problematic – we will try to unpack it shortly.
But the context, in Australia at least, is the shocking rise in the number of anti-semitic slogans and actual violence being seen in the last few months. Insults have been daubed on buildings and cars, fires lit at buildings associated with the Jewish community. And more recently…”
– At Law and Religion Australia, Neil Foster looks at what is happening in terms of Federal, NSW and Victorian legislation.
Preaching Workshop 3-5 June 2025 — Expository Preaching Trust
At The Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares details of the Preaching Workshop coming up on 3-5 June at Drummoyne.