Moore College lectures 2012
“The Point of the Sword: Applying the Bible to applying the Bible” is the topic for this year’s Moore College Lectures, coming up in August.
Chris Green, Vice Principal of Oak Hill College in London, is the speaker. Details from Moore College. (While you are there, check out info on the Moore College School of Theology in September.)
‘Christian leaders to unite against gay marriage’ — ABC News
“Some of Australia’s most prominent Christian leaders are expected to read out and distribute anti-gay marriage letters at their Sunday services tomorrow.
Statements from Anglican, Catholic and Greek Orthodox leaders have been coordinated ahead of further debate on gay marriage in Parliament next week.
Churchgoers will be urged to contact their Federal MPs to register their opposition to gay marriage…”
– Report from the ABC includes an interview with Archbishop Peter Jensen broadcast on AM.
St. George’s Tron, Glasgow, secedes from Church of Scotland
The Rev Dr William Philip, minister of the 500 strong congregation based in Buchanan St, Glasgow, said: “Our decision to separate from the Church of Scotland is the culmination of careful thought, sincere discussion and prayer for over 12 months… We believe the Church of Scotland is choosing to walk away from the biblical gospel, and to walk apart from the faith of the worldwide Christian Church.”
Full statement from St. George’s Tron below: Read more
Same sex marriage — Weekend Sunrise interview
On Saturday (June 9 2012), Archbishop Peter Jensen, Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Julian Porteous and the Australian Christian Lobby’s Jim Wallace were interviewed by Andrew O’Keefe on the Seven Network’s Weekend Sunrise.
The topic was, “Why are so many Christians opposed to same sex marriage?”
The segment runs nearly 12 minutes and is well worth watching and passing on.
(h/t Lionel Windsor.)
‘Gay Danish couples win right to marry in church’
“Homosexual couples in Denmark have won the right to get married in any church they choose, even though nearly one third of the country’s priests have said they will refuse to carry out the ceremonies.
The country’s parliament voted through the new law on same-sex marriage by a large majority, making it mandatory for all churches to conduct gay marriages. …”
– Report from The Telegraph (UK). h/t Anglican Mainstream.
Garage Hymnal in Concert to support BCA
Garage Hymnal in Concert to support the Bush Church Aid Society – at St Barnabas’ Broadway on Friday 15th June.
Please click the image for details.
Greg Goswell to move to PTC Sydney
Moore College graduate Greg Goswell will return to Sydney (from Melbourne) to lecture in Old Testament at the Presbyterian Theological Centre at Burwood in 2013. News here.
Moore Missions 2012 over and out
“Moore College Missions 2012 (held April 29 to May 6) have successfully concluded for another year. It has been a wonderful display of God’s people evangelising…”
– Read it at the Moore College website.
Archbishop Peter Jensen on BBC Radio
Archbishop Peter Jensen was interviewed by Edward Stourton on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday programme – about the GAFCON / FCA Leadership Conference, which begins tomorrow in London.
Listen via the BBC’s iPlayer. The interview starts 10:10 in.
(h/t Anglican Mainstream. Photo: Joy Gwaltney.)
Together for the Gospel 2012 talks available
The 2012 Together for the Gospel conference has just been held in Louisville, Kentucky. The theme was “The Underestimated Gospel”.
Audio and video files of the main talks have now been posted online for your edification.
John Mallison
Dr John Mallison, a long-time advocate of Small Group ministry in Australia, died in Sydney on March 29th. While he served in the Methodist, and then Uniting Churches, and had been Moderator of the NSW Synod of the Uniting Church, his ministry had an impact in many Anglican churches too.
A service of Thanksgiving will be held at St. Paul’s Castle Hill on Wednesday April 11 at 11:00am.
A reminder to pray for those in authority
“For our devotions before our meeting this morning we read 1 Timothy 2.
‘First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and for all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life, godly and dignified in every way.’
Does God answer such prayers?…”
– a report from East Timor at Mission Partners.
New Principal for George Whitfield College
“The directors of George Whitfield College, which trains leaders for ministry across Africa, have unanimously elected Rev Mark Dickson to succeed Dr David Seccombe as principal.
Dr Seccombe has been Principal of the South African theological college since 1993. He is also an Affiliate Professor of New Testament at North-West University at Potchefstroom. He was formerly rector of St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Shenton Park, in Perth.
Mark Dickson (pictured) is currently Vice-Principal of GWC and holds the C.S. Lewis Lectureship in Christian Thought.
He has been engaged in Phd studies and has special expertise in the area of science and Christianity, also holding a Bachelor of Science.
He previously served as the senior minister of St Matthews Church in Table View, (Cape Town) for 17 years. The appointment will take effect from 1 January 2013.”
– Report by Russell Powell at (Dr D B Knox was the founding Principal of George Whitfield College.)
Changes coming at Bethlehem Baptist
Justin Taylor has the info on plans for change at Bethlehem Baptist Church –
“Tonight the elders at Bethlehem Baptist Church unanimously voted to present Jason Meyer as their candidate to succeed John Piper, pending congregational approval.”
– Read it here.
Memorial Service for Professor Patrick Collinson
There will be a Memorial Service for Prof. Patrick Collinson, C.B.E. (1929–2011) in Cambridge on Saturday 10th March. A number of Sydney folk would have been taught Reformation history by him when he was at Sydney University 1969-75. He died last September. Obituary in The Guardian, and tribute at Trinity College website.