A prayer for the Middle East
At SydneyAnglicans.net, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has posted this prayer which you could share, and use in your own prayers:
“Lord of the Nations,
We pray for the Middle East.
We pray for women, children and men who have been caught up in a war not of their own making. We pray for people separated, displaced from their homes and grieving the death of family, loved ones and neighbours. May they know your help, comfort and hope.
We pray for the release of those held hostage, for those impacted by rockets and missiles and for those traumatised and helpless. We pray for the restraint of evil, for peace and justice.
We pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. Please preserve them in the knowledge and love of your Son. May they be ambassadors of reconciliation among their own people.
We pray for Australians trying to get home from the war zones. We pray for our neighbours, friends and fellow citizens here in Australia who are grieving, anxious and fearful for their loved ones in other places or themselves. Comfort and sustain then, may they know your peace and presence. Help all Australians to live in respect, harmony and peace with one another.
And banish from the leaders of the nations the spirit that makes for war. We ask it in the name of the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel
1 October 2024.”
– from SydneyAnglicans.net, where you will also find a Downloadable PDF file to print and share.
Christian sexual ethics and the abuse of adolescents: Lessons from the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle
“I encourage everyone interested in law and religion issues to read this challenging piece published on the Australian Broadcasting Commission website from Emeritus Professor Patrick Parkinson: “Christian sexual ethics and the abuse of adolescents: Lessons from the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle” (24 September 2024). …”
– At Law and Religion Australia, Neil Foster commends some important, but sobering, reading.
(Image: Assoc. Professor Neil Foster speaks at a Diocese of Sydney Safe Ministry training event.)
“We have Indigenous churches that are struggling… we have a responsibility”
“ ‘We need to have a structured plan to Indigenous ministries, otherwise we will never have a genuine effect in the Diocese… my dream is that not only will we impact this Diocese, we will impact this nation.’
With those words, the leader of Macarthur Indigenous Church, the Rev Michael Duckett, urged Sydney’s Anglican Synod to support the appointment of the first Director of Indigenous Ministry. …”
– Russell Powell reports from Sydney Synod.
Bathurst Synod 2024 Presidential Address
Bishop Mark Calder this morning delivered his Presidential Address to the Synod of the Diocese of Bathurst. Click the image above to watch.
Or read the text (PDF file).
“I only have one agenda.
His name is Jesus.
I want everyone in our churches to know Jesus, love Jesus, trust Jesus, serve Jesus and share Jesus.
And I want everyone not currently in our churches to hear of Jesus, turn to Jesus, revel in Jesus as Saviour and serve Jesus as Lord.
I was elected by the Bishop’s election board in 2019 for that agenda.
The board made it clear that they wanted change. Not just any change, but Gospel-shaped, Jesus- focused change.
Of course, I am not suggesting that Jesus wasn’t on the agenda prior to my appointment. However, the reality of the prior years, is that there were many other distressing and distracting issues which needed to be addressed.
I have now been here five years, and under our ordinances, I have three more.
So I want to share with you five lessons I’ve learnt in five years and three prayers I will continue praying in my last three years. …”
– Whether you watch or read, be encouraged to share the link to this page so that others can pray, and help in other ways.
Southern Cross September–October 2024
The latest edition of Southern Cross is out now.
If you don’t get a printed copy at your church, you can download it or read online.
Synod votes on faithful governance
“After two years of work, a mountain of feedback and the best part of three days’ discussion at this year’s Synod, members are now set to pass a new diocesan governance policy.
On Wednesday night, the deputy chairman of the governance policy review committee, former CEO of Anglicare Greg Hammond, explained that the goal of the committee had been to strengthen the Diocese’s schools, colleges, welfare and aid organisations, and other groups covered by the policy, ‘to enable them and their governors and CEOs to pursue gospel priorities, their mission and purpose, doing so consistently with the doctrine of the Diocese’. …”
– Judy Adamson reports from Sydney Synod.
What on earth am I doing here? — Bishop David Bassett
“I wonder if you’ve ever asked yourself this same question?
Here I am seven or so months into my new role as Assistant Bishop here in Perth. I’ve met too many people to remember, been lost more often than I care to admit, and have spent significant time at my desk praying ‘what do I do now?’ But don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be here, there are so many blessings, and I keep seeing how God is working here.
The question is an important one for us all to be asking: what on earth am I doing here?…”
– Bishop David Bassett, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Perth, reminds us why we’re here.
Moore Matters — Spring 2024
The latest issue of Moore Matters from Moore College is now available – at churches across Sydney – and for download from the College website.
This issue is especially encouraging – with news from Bathurst, Canberra, Adelaide, Tasmania, North West Australia, and more.
– Download or read online here.
Anglicare Sydney extends community services to the Bathurst diocese as Anglicare Central West
Here’s a media release from the Diocese of Bathurst and Anglicare Sydney:
“Joint statement: Anglicare Sydney extends community services to the Bathurst diocese as Anglicare Central West
We are delighted to share that Anglicare Sydney is extending its community services to the Bathurst Diocese to help deliver and grow those services to the community in the region.
Currently community services are delivered through a partnership arrangement with Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT (SWACT). Following agreement between Anglicare Sydney and Anglicare SWACT, Anglicare Sydney will provide these services from October.
Regionally, these services will be known as Anglicare Central West.
This decision followed careful consideration, prayer and discussion over the past six months.
The need for community services in the Bathurst Diocese is great, and it is our desire to see a strong, flourishing and expanded service of care to the community.
Anglicare Sydney is delighted to welcome the Anglicare SWACT Central West team and looks forward to providing much needed services in the Bathurst Diocese, such as food and financial assistance, including emergency relief, food hampers, no interest loans for eligible clients, and other community services.
Key areas of focus for Anglicare Sydney in the Central West include the strengthening of partnerships with local churches, as well as understanding and responding to specific regional needs and opportunities.
Anglicare Sydney is recruiting a locally based, mission aligned Regional Manager for Anglicare Central West, to help lead the growth of its services.
Please join us in thanking God for the work of Anglicare SWACT, for this new partnership with Anglicare Sydney, and that together we would see more communities loved in the name of Jesus.
Bishop Mark Calder & Simon Miller, CEO Anglicare Sydney.”
– PDF file.
A “Must Hear” address — Dave Jensen at the ACL Synod Dinner 2024
“Taking the evangelistic temperature of the Diocese of Sydney” is the topic of Dave Jensen’s address at the Anglican Church League’s Synod Dinner held on 16th September 2024. Dave is the Assistant Director of Evangelism and New Churches in the Diocese of Sydney. (Larger image.)
Listen Here: Read more
Christian corporate governance, statements of faith, and upholding marriage
At The Australian Church Record, Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant writes:
“In September 2024, the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney will be asked to delete the personal Statement of Faith from its Corporate Governance Policy.
However, this personal Statement of Faith should continue to be signed by those elected or appointed to be Board Governors and Heads/CEOs of our Anglican organisations. It has been an integral part of the Corporate Governance Policy since 2014, when it was introduced as the culmination of 4 years’ research, discussion, review and debate. …”
– Read here.
“Will you help the crowds see Jesus?”
“Two years ago we met in the southwest growth corridor at Oran Park and I asked you, ‘Do you see the crowds?’ The crowds of people moving into Sydney – growth areas and established areas, people from many nations, people without knowledge of the Lord and his cross. Today I want to ask, will you help the crowds see Jesus?”
With that challenge, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel opened the Synod in the Greenfields in northwestern Sydney. …
– Report from Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net.
Below: Watch Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s Synod Address.
The purpose of the Lord will stand — Australian Church Record Journal for Synod 2024
The Australian Church Record has published a special edition of their Journal to coincide with the meeting of Sydney Synod starting this weekend.
Whether or not you are a member of Synod, this is well worth downloading, reading and sharing.
Highlights include interviews with Robert Tong and Laurie Scandrett, but much else to see too.
“They said I had what they were missing and asked to visit my church”
“I spoke recently at the GAFCON Australasia gathering in Brisbane. GAFCON is the “mission arm” of the movement of orthodox global Anglicans. Hundreds had eagerly put aside time and paid to travel there from every Australian state and territory, as well as New Zealand, PNG and Myanmar.
We looked at Romans 1, full of Paul’s personality and emotion. This is a little surprising because Paul didn’t plant the church and hadn’t visited it yet. Yet it drips with authentic affection and concern. …”
– Archbishop Kanishka Raffel writes at SydneyAnglicans.net.
Regional ministry in the Bathurst Diocese – Mark Calder, James Boardman and Sally Phelps
From Moore College:
“Vice Principal Simon Gillham chats with Bishop of the Bathurst Diocese, Mark Calder and regional workers James Boardman and Sally Phelps. They share the joys and challenges of doing ministry in a regional area and share about the exciting growth and opportunities available in the area.
Would you continue to pray for the gospel growth in the Bathurst Diocese and that many would head out into regional ministry.”
– Watch here, and do pray.