Various clergy opportunities in central and western NSW highlights these opportunities for gospel work in central and western NSW –

“In central and western NSW, we find ourselves with a bountiful harvest but too few labourers.

Of our 28 parishes, 13 are in need of clergy – not so much to ‘run a church’, but to serve as loving shepherds to our people; to share the love of Jesus, open his Word, and provide guidance, nourishment, and protection. …”

See the communities where there are specific needs.

This major regional city needs a new minister

As the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page says,

“This major regional city needs a new minister. Read with encouragement who they are looking for. Please join them in prayer.

Maybe you’re the answer to their prayer. Seek a preliminary, confidential chat with our bishop – Mark Calder.”

See the details at the jobs vacancy page.

Bathurst Ordinations Saturday 22 July

Today (Saturday 22 July 2023), Jonny Lush, Tim Smith and James Boardman will be ordained at Bathurst Cathedral. Do pray for them.

The service will be steamed live from 10:50am.

Photo via the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.

“John Chapman led a diocese to go evangelical, and outrage lingers still”

John Chapman early 1960s Armidale. Scan C Mackellar.

“The Anglicans of Armidale elected an evangelical bishop in 1964, a move led by John Chapman, best known as Sydney Anglican’s evangelist.

The Professor of History at the University of New England, Thomas Fudge, gave a public lecture on the evangelical takeover of the diocese – making his disapproval plain by wearing a Cope, an ecclesiastical garment disapproved of by many evangelicals. …”

– John Sandeman reports on unhappiness which still lingers.

It’s true that not everyone loved John Chapman, but many many thousands did, and praise God for him and his clear preaching of Christ.


Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.

“Through God working through the diligence of a humble Christian man called John Chapman, many people in the Diocese of Armidale came to know the Lord.”

Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.

The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.

John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.

John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.

Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.

In the 1990s, John Chapman wrote this about the need for groups like the Anglican Church League:

“It has been interesting to me to see how the churches in the New Testament, who were founded by the apostles, so soon fell into such error that the apostles say that they have lost the gospel itself (see 2 Corinthians 11:4).

There is in the Pastoral epistles a strong call to guard and preserve the gospel. The ACL was founded and exists to do that. The way they seek to do it is to help us by finding people who are committed to this cause who will serve us on the committees and boards of the various agencies of this vast Diocese.

I have been a member of ACL for more than 30 years and commend its activities.”

Photo: Chappo, probably when he was Armidale Youth Director – apparently taken during a mission at the University of New England, early 1960s.

Why I left the Brisbane Anglicans to join the Diocese of the Southern Cross

“My big story started in 2013. I was in Nairobi at Gafcon, and Mike Ovey [the late principal of London’s Oak Hull College] Mike spoke on Ephesians chapter five.

[The passage says] that there were those who would deceive us into thinking that the wrath of God is not coming because of, as Paul puts these things, the extent of their immorality. And the encouragement of the Apostle Paul, ‘Do not become partners with them’.

And that started me thinking, well, here I am in the Brisbane diocese; what does it mean to be partners? What does that mean in terms of my relationship with the diocese? …”

– At Anglican Ink, John Sandeman has Peter Judge-Mears’ story.

And a good reminder to be in prayer for the members of Southside Anglican, St John’s Wishart, and others seeking to honour Christ in their respective situations.

Photo: Peter Judge-Mears announces he is leaving St Johns, Wishart, September 2022.


Diocese of the Southern Cross.

Locums in Bathurst Diocese

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:

“Clergy recently retired? Great opportunities to be a blessing to parishes who haven’t had an ordained minister for years! Like the Rev’d Ross (with Mrs Alison) Hathway, locum out at Trundle parish for three months. We are so thankful for them!”

Pray for workers for the harvest in Bathurst Diocese

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:

“Our recruit pathways taskforce met tonight to plan and pray and strategise about how to effectively put before Bible college students and those already out in ministry, the great challenges and the joy-filled opportunities of ministry in central and western NSW.

Please pray to the Lord for the harvest… 12/28 parishes need clergy.”

Bishop of Bathurst’s newsletter — Pentecost 2023 edition

Here’s the latest Bathurst Diocese newsletter from Bishop Mark Calder — for your encouragement and to inform your prayers.

Download the PDF file here.

Bishop Mark Calder profile — Sight magazine

“Anglican Bishop Mark Calder has long enjoyed driving. Whether it’s travelling to a conference or visiting a parish, he’d much rather make it a road trip than arrive via airplane. So when he was invited to lead the Diocese of Bathurst, the amount of travel it would require didn’t bother him. He started his role three and half years ago with a new car and has since clocked 135,000 kilometres. Just since January of this year, he’s done 15,000 kilometres for church-related trips, each one giving him more of vision for leadership and for the issues the people across the rural diocese face.

Sight caught up with him when he was actually in his office for our inaugural Q&A…”

Sight magazine, “an editorially independent, Australian-based website covering local and global news and issues from a Christian perspective”, has published this Q & A with Bishop Mark Calder.

Has there ever been a month like this for BCA? Five Field Staff commissioned in six weeks!

BCA’s NSW/ACT Regional Officer Paul Sampson writes,

“Our good God has heard and answered your prayers. What a joy to attend the commissioning of not one but five Field Staff in five different locations in just six Saturdays during late January, February and March 2023. Each of these ministries is a testament to the graciousness of our God and the faithfulness of BCA supporters who have prayed diligently for many years and generously provided financial support for these ministries. …”

In his The Narrow Road newsletter for May 2023, Paul shares news of commissionings at

as well as other encouragements.

Download the PDF file here. (Link via the Bush Church Aid Society Facebook page.)

New life to rural church communities

This report from the ABC highlights various ministries, including Anglican, in central and western NSW.

“The town of Cobar in western NSW now has a minister for the first time in two decades, after getting support from the Bush Church Aid Society.”

Photo: Diocese of Bathurst.

May 2023 edition of the North West Network

The May 2023 edition of the North West Network is now available for you to download.

It’s a great way to be encouraged to pray for the people and churches of North West Australia.

Top Centre magazine 23.1 from the Diocese of the Northern Territory

The latest issue of Top Centre magazine (23.1) from the Diocese of the Northern Territory is available on their website.

A great reminder to continue to pray for the ministry of the gospel in the Top End and Centre.

Family, Being and Home

“Many people have expressed much care and concern for Elizabeth and myself knowing we have left many close family and friends on the other side of the country to come and live and serve in the North West. …”

– Recently-installed Bishop of North West Australia Darrell Parker writes of being ‘home’.

Michael Calder commissioned at St John’s Wishart

The Rev Michael Calder was yesterday commissioned as priest-in-charge at St John’s Wishart in the Diocese of Brisbane.

Michael had been serving as Assistant at St Bart’s Toowoomba.

Do pray for Michael and his wife Rachel and the St John’s congregation, as well as for Peter Judge-Mears and his family and others who formed Southside Anglican in Brisbane late last year. Pray that both churches might be used by the Lord to bring eternal blessing to the people of Brisbane.

Photos on the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.

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