Canberra & Goulburn Episcopal Election Nominations Committee proceeds to next stage
“The Episcopal Election Nominations Committee… has now completed the consultation phase and the Diocesan Profile and Episcopal Selection Criteria. …
On 2 July 2018 we will be inviting Members of Synod to propose the names of persons for consideration as Prospective Nominees.”
– The Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn Nominations Committee is continuing their work, with an Election Synod scheduled for November. Do continue to pray for the churches of the diocese, and for those who will be proposed.
Reactions to the Gafcon 2018 Conference Statement from leaders in Europe, Africa, North and South America and Australia
The GAFCON Media Team have been busy, and have now uploaded this compilation of reactions from Anglican leaders in Europe, Africa, North and South America and Australia.
Australian Diocesan Bishops speak on the Gafcon 2018 conference statement
Archbishop Glenn Davies of Sydney, and Bishops Richard Condie of Tasmania, Gary Nelson of Western Australia and Ian Palmer of Bathurst, speak of their experience of #Gafcon2018, and reaction to the ‘Letter to the Churches’.
Bishop Richard Condie mentions the National Anglican Future Conference, coming up in September. Read about it here.
Parish confident St Matthias’ will be saved
“The Holy Trinity Anglican Parish [Launceston] is confident St Matthias’ Church will be saved from sale.
The Windermere church was chosen as one of 108 properties the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania plans to sell in order to partly fund its commitment to the national redress scheme for sexual abuse survivors. …
Speaking at a public meeting on Sunday, the Holy Trinity Anglican parish Archdeacon Dane Courtney said the community could successfully raise the amount expected to go toward the redress scheme to save the church. …”
– Report and image from The Examiner.
North West Network, June 2018
The latest edition (June 2018) of North West Network, the newsletter of the Diocese of Northwest Australia (the largest diocese in Australia — by geographical size) is now available.
Download the PDF file and use it to inform your prayers on behalf of the people of the North West.
Here’s a snippet from the latest issue –
“Meet Ross, a visitor to the North West. In August 2017 he left Perth needing a break from caring for elderly parents and looking for direction in his wayward life.
Ross stopped in Geraldton and went to the Bluff Point Anglican Church. That Sunday he heard God speak to him from 1 Peter 2:13-16,
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
Ross realised he wasn’t holy. He was cut off from God because of his sin. A church family invited him to lunch and over the course of three days Ross became a Christian. He went from spiritual death to life knowing that God’s love and forgiveness came to him through Jesus Christ. This was life changing for Ross.
But that’s not the end. …”
– Read the rest of the story on page 2 of the June 2018 NWN.
‘Embrace pluralism’ — Gippsland Bishop-elect
“Bishop-elect Richard Treloar says Anglicans can offer the wider world a more relational understanding of truth as an alternative to binary thinking that accentuates differences …”
– The Bishop-elect of the Diocese of Gippsland speaks to The Melbourne Anglican about his ‘inclusive’ thinking.
Related: New Bishop for Gippsland.
Anglicans joining Federal redress
“The Diocese of Sydney has agreed to participate in the Commonwealth Government’s Redress Scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse.
In March, the Diocese welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement of the scheme and reiterated its commitment to ‘meeting its responsibilities towards those who have suffered because of the appalling acts which have been perpetrated on vulnerable children in our care’.
A Diocesan redress policy has provided care and assistance payments for survivors of child sexual abuse since 2004 but the Standing Committee of the Diocese has now officially confirmed its participation in the Commonwealth Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.
The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, welcomed the decision and commended the Federal Government for establishing the scheme, the legislation for which is currently before the Senate.
‘The suffering of those who have been abused can never be overestimated. We must face any failures of the past with integrity, honour, repentance and compassion.’ Dr Davies said.
As further details of arrangements become known, the Diocese will work in conjunction with the Federal Government, through the new company being established by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia.”
– Source: (Image: Crest of the Anglican Church of Australia.)
I’m ‘overwhelmingly sad’ about the sale of Anglican churches: Bishop Condie
“Anglican Bishop Richard Condie says he is “overwhelmingly sad” that communities might lose their churches, but at the same time he’s trying to lead an organisation that is addressing its responsibilities to victims.
Bishop Condie says he has chosen not to attend town hall meetings about church sales because they are full of emotion and rarely achieve good outcomes.”
– Bishop Condie was interviewed on ABC Radio in Tasmania this morning.
Related: Anglican Church votes in favour of Redress Proposal – Diocese of Tasmania.
And a reminder to pray for Bishop Condie and all involved.
‘Historic’ day as Tasmanian Anglican Church votes to sell 76 church buildings
“The Anglican Diocese of Tasmania has voted to sell 108 properties, including 76 church buildings, to fund its $8.6 million involvement in the national redress scheme.
After several hours of debate, the church’s Synod almost unanimously voted to pass a motion to sell the properties. …”
– Report from The Examiner.
Diocese of Tasmania Synod meets this week
The Diocese of Tasmania Synod is meeting this meet – on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd June.
Among other issues for discussion is the Redress Fund Ordinance. Doubtless, Synod members would appreciate prayers for wisdom in their deliberations.
Related: Descendants oppose Tasmanian church sale – The Examiner.
‘Melbourne Anglican church and clergy take part in same-sex wedding’ — report
“ has received video and photos from a same-sex wedding that took place on 12 May 2018 and involved a number of licensed Anglican ministers. …”
– A report from David Ould, who is seeking clarification on what took place on a Baptist church property in inner-city Melbourne.
Churches make up majority of Anglican assets earmarked for sale
“The Anglican Church of Tasmania has published a preliminary list of properties it is proposing to sell to fund redress for survivors of child sexual abuse. …”
– Report and image from The Examiner.
See also the Preliminary list, of proposed properties for sale, for submission to Synod (PDF) – from The Diocese of Tasmania.
New Bishop for Gippsland
Dr Richard Treloar, Vicar of Christ Church South Yarra, has been elected as the 13th Bishop of Gippsland.
There’s an announcement on the Gippsland website.
David Ould has some thoughts about the announcement.
‘I believe you and I will care for you’: After the Royal Commission
“So big has been the impact of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that one denomination, Anglican, in this part of Australia — the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn — has paid out four million dollars to victims over the past three years.
Without alarm, the man who was until Easter Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn told me the compensation costs would only increase.
We conducted an ‘exit interview’ in the weeks before he stepped down. …”
– Story from The Sydney Morning Herald. (Photo: Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.)
Newcastle Diocese Strategic Directions 2018-2021
After consultations across his diocese, Bishop Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle, has released a Strategic Directions and Work Plan for 2018 – 2021.
Read about it and download it here and be encouraged to pray for the churches of the Newcastle Diocese.