Top Centre 22.4
The latest issue (22.4) of Top Centre, the magazine of the Diocese of the Northern Territory, is now online.
Download it for your encouragement and to inform your prayers. (PDF file.)
Bishop of Bathurst’s video message Christmas 2022
This video is a companion to Bishop Mark Calder’s text version previously published.
Bathurst Diocese parishes without clergy
From the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page:
“In the coming weeks, Bishop Mark [Calder] will commission new ministers in Oberon, Grenfell, Cowra, West Wyalong and Cobar!
We are so thankful to God for his provision. And yet, we still have 12 parishes without clergy! Rural ministry has surprising blessings! Maybe it is time to explore a new context, even though it may involve sacrifice and new challenges.
Bishop Mark would love to hear from you.”
Might the Lord be calling you?
Click the image for a larger version.
A Christmas 2022 message from Bishop Mark Calder
Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has written this Christmas op-ed:
Christmas is the sure sign that God is real and that he loves us.
That he’s real? We know that because he turned up. Jesus is none other than God in person. That’s extraordinary. And he turned up not in a palace, but in a food trough among farm animals. Such was his humility!
That he loves us? Only love would motivate the God of the universe to step into the world he created and be therefore vulnerable to humanity which had already turned its back on him!
Why did he do it?
Because he loves us so much that he didn’t want to leave us in the mess we’d made of things by shutting him out. Through his teaching, his life, and his death and resurrection, he makes it possible for anyone who wants to welcome him back into their life, to be forgiven, and reconciled to him for a great life now, and all eternity.
2022 has been another very tough year. Our only hope is not that things will get better, or that next year will be free of sadnesses and challenges (though I hope it is!); our only hope and help is to welcome the love, strength, and new life that God turned up 2,000 years ago to make possible.
Have a great Christmas!
Mark Calder
Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Bathurst – covering central and western NSW.
Bathurst News: Archdeacon Jono Williams to Canowindra
From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:
“Bishop Calder announced today with thankfulness to God, that Archdeacon Jono Williams has accepted his invitation to be the next minister of the cooperating Anglican Uniting parish of Canowindra.
Please pray for Jono and Cudgegong Valley parish in a time of transition.”
Archbishop of Perth continues with Ordinations in the face of large objection
“The Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy, chose on Wednesday evening to continue with and preside over the ordination to the priesthood of a man living with his civil union partner despite receiving a formal objection from a large number of members of the diocese, both clergy and lay.
The letter of objection, forwarded to, is signed by 25 clergy, 12 wardens, 18 parish councillors and 64 other church members. It asks the Archbishop to not proceed with ordaining the candidate …
The clergy objecting represent more than 15% of clergy in the diocese (based on 2022 General Synod delegate numbers). The laity represent a variety of the largest parishes and the overwhelming majority of financial contributions for the diocese from the parishes.”
– David Ould draws attention to events in Perth.
Another Bathurst ordination on Saturday 3rd December
Give thanks to the Lord for the good things happening in the Diocese of Bathurst, and please pray that the churches will be strengthened and encouraged.
From the diocesan Facebook page –
“Our candidates for Saturday’s ordination are on retreat with Bishop Mark and the Rev’d Greg Harris from BCA. Please pray for their preparation.”
“God willing Bishop Calder will, on 03 Dec at 11am, make Jonny Lush and Tim Smith deacons, and ordain James Daymond and Steven Klouth as priests.”
The service will be streamed liveon YouTube from shortly before 11:00amAEDT.
Bathurst newsletter November 2022
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder writes:
“Please find attached the first of a semi-regular newsletter from me as a way of increasing communication around the diocese – and beyond!”
– Download the newsletter here as a PDF file. Food for prayer.
Top Centre 22.3 now online
The latest issue of the Diocese of the Northern Territory‘s magazine, Top Centre 3.22, is now available for download from their website.
New Resident Minister for Cobar after 20+ years
Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, writes,
“Dear Brothers and sisters,
It is well over 20 years since there was a resident Anglican minister in Cobar.
So it is with great thankfulness to God that I announce today that the Rev’d James Daymond will take up this role sometime early in the new year.
Together with Brittany, James has been open to the call of God on his life for a new chapter in ministry. It is important to note that he will continue to do the work of an evangelist as James sees that as his primary calling. However, serving as Priest-in-Charge of Cobar, will only open up immense opportunities in the community at large for James to make connections, build trust and friendship and share Jesus for life.
This appointment would not be possible without the generous support of the Bush Church Aid Society. James and Brittany are delighted to be able to continue as BCA field staff members and will enjoy not only the generous funding of BCA, but also the wonderful prayer support which being part of the BCA family means.
I have great confidence that James and Brittany will be a great blessing to the seven current members of the church and to the community at large.
James commented on his appointment: “We thank the Anglican Parish of Cobar welcoming us both to serve them and to serve with them! We look forward to reaching out to the spiritually lost, sharing Jesus for life, and caring for Cod’s people.”
Please join me in giving thanks to God for James and Brittany’s willingness to serve in Cobar and for making the many sacrifices this will involve. And give thanks for BCA’s willingness to partner with us in placing a resident minister in Cobar – one of the first towns in which BCA ever placed a minister!
We pray also for those who in Mudgee who will feel the loss of James’ move. May they know God’s comfort and be given grace to trust in His plans, both for the future of the evangelism program and for Arvo church.”
Bishop Calder also writes,
“Currently a Deacon, God willing, James will be ordained Priest on 03 Dec at 11am, All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst.”
Armidale Diocese The Link for Oct-Nov 2022 now out
The latest issue (October – November 2022) of The Link, the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale, has been published on the diocesan website.
Much encouraging news and food for prayer.
Download your copy here. (PDF file.)
Reports from Melbourne Synod 2022
From The Melbourne Anglican:
“14 October 2022
Hello! Welcome to Friday. Tonight will be the final evening session of the 2022 Melbourne Synod, before delegates meet at St Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday. Melbourne Anglican editor Elspeth Kernebone here with a summary of proceedings so far. …”
– Summary and links to updates here.
Perth Synod: Archbishop’s “breach of trust and failure of integrity” disappoint conservatives
“This past Saturday and Sunday has seen the annual synod of the Diocese of Perth on Australia’s west coast.
Over that weekend and since then many delegates who were present have contacted me to let me know of what happened. …”
– David Ould shares reports from last weekend’s Perth Synod.
Photo: Diocese of Perth.
Introducing City on a Hill
Guy Mason, Pastor of City on a Hill, and also an Archdeacon in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, introduces the church after they have had quite a bit of media coverage in the last few days. Also a good reminder to uphold them in prayer.
Sydney diocese declares ‘breach of fellowship’ with Australian Church
“The synod of the diocese of Sydney has carried several motions urging changes to the way in which the diocese interacts with the Anglican Church of Australia. …
One motion carried at the Sydney diocesan synod noted ‘with godly grief the deep breach of fellowship in the Anglican Church of Australia exposed at the eighteenth session of General Synod on matters of doctrine and human sexuality’. It requested the synod’s Standing Committee ‘to consider our future approach as a Diocese to meetings of the General Synod’…
Speaking at a pre-synod dinner, Dr Davies, who is the first bishop of the diocese of the Southern Cross, said that, if Sydney diocese really cared for Australia, the ‘best clergy’ and lay people should be sent to dioceses where there were ‘welcoming bishops’. It also needed to support, through the Gafcon diocese, ‘hurting Anglicans’ in dioceses led by ‘revisionist bishops’.”
– Muriel Porter writes in The Church Times – also at Virtueonline.
Photo: Sydney Synod 2022.