Exploring and Celebrating the Nicene Creed

“This year is the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed, which is an important part of our liturgy for a number of our services, in particular for the Eucharist. We encourage you to mark this year by devoting some time to focussing on the creed, both personally and as a congregation. …”

The Ministry Development Committee of the Diocese of Ballarat is seeking to help church members think about what they mean when they say the Nicene Creed on Sundays.


Credo Magazine feature: 1700 Years after Nicaea. – January 2025.

Word in Song Conference Sydney 2025 — 22 March

From Emu Music:

“Are you passionate about singing that is deeply rooted in Scripture? The Word in Song Conference is a place where worship leaders, musicians, and church members come together to be equipped, inspired, and encouraged – helping you and your church grow in a gospel-centred approach to music and ministry.”

Details here.

Sydney’s link to Chilean ‘blockbuster’ event

“Supporters from across the globe have travelled to the Chilean capital Santiago for a threefold ceremony that Anglican Aid CEO and former missionary to Chile, the Rev Canon Tim Swan, calls an ‘Anglican blockbuster event’.

The occasion was the retirement of Héctor (Tito) Zavala as Primate of Chile, the consecration of Juan Esteban Saravia as Bishop of Santiago, and the installation of Bishop Enrique Lago as Primate of Chile. …”

Russell Powell reports at SydneyAnglicans.net.

How does an election for a new Archbishop of Melbourne work?

“Current lay and clergy members of the Diocese of Melbourne’s synod will gather at St Paul’s Cathedral on 23 and 24 May to elect a new archbishop. The meeting will be closed to the public.

The last time the two houses of synod (the House of Laity and the House of Clergy) came together to elect an archbishop was in 2006. It was a protracted and rancorous process requiring two separate meetings.

The diocese is currently without an archbishop, with Archbishop Freier retiring on his 70th birthday, as per the synod regulations, earlier this month. …”

– At The Melbourne Anglican, Penny Mulvey provides an outline for the election process.

It’d be good to uphold in prayer Melbourne Anglicans as they work through this process.

Bathurst Diocese – updated list of Ministry Opportunities

The Diocese of Bathurst has updated its profiles of Parishes without Rectors.

See the profiles to inform your prayers – and there’s a link to use if you are interested in serving in Bathurst Diocese.

27 Ordained and Director of Indigenous Ministry Commissioned in Sydney

Russell Powell writes at SydneyAnglicans.net –

“With more than 1000 people in the congregation and 27 servant-hearted men and women, St Andrew’s Cathedral echoed with the sound of singing, fulfilling Charles Wesley’s hope for ‘O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise’.

Newly ordained, the deacons then made their way through the crowds for a group photo on the steps of the cathedral and then celebrated with family and church members from across Sydney, Wollongong and beyond. …”

Read it all here.

Pray for Congo as atrocities echo those of the Rwandan genocide

“Horrific reports are emerging from the Democratic Republic of Congo as the nation is being torn apart by fighting which has echoes of the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s…

In the isolated city of Goma, rebels have conducted a campaign of looting, rape and indiscriminate killing.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid has launched an emergency appeal to provide food, clothing, and medicine to those in extreme need. …”

At SydneyAnglicans.net, Russell Powell shares something of what is happening in Congo, and what you can do to help those suffering (including by praying).


Back in 1997, ACL News spoke with Bishop Peter Dawson, then recently returned from DR Congo (then Zaire). He called for prayer for the churches of Congo. It would be good to pray such prayers now. (See the prayer included in today’s Sydney Anglicans report.)

Read the interview here.

Bringing Hope to the Illawarra

“March 2025 will see one of the largest evangelistic campaigns for many years in the Illawarra region.

‘Hope For The Illawarra’, a partnership between the US broadcast ministry Leading The Way and churches in the Illawarra, will culminate in outreach events. …”

– Russell Powell has news of good news for the people of the Illawarra.

At SydneyAnglicans.net.

New edition of Anglican News from Canberra & Goulburn

Dr Jacqueline Service will be commissioned as Director of Canberra’s St Mark’s National Theological Centre this weekend.

That’s one of the stories in the February edition of Anglican News from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn. (PDF file.)

Nexus 25 coming up on 17th March

The Nexus25 conference is coming up on Monday 17th March at Village Church Annandale:

Nexus25 is about how we can reach our city with the life-giving gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Our conviction as a Nexus network is that the death and resurrection of Jesus, and his imminent return, means that our lives and churches must be driven by the urgent proclamation of our Saviour and Lord. And yet if we’re honest with ourselves, this conviction often wanes and does not flow into concerted, effective action in our churches.  We believe that God is not done with Sydney. Christ still has many people in this city—people who have not yet heard and believed the gospel of Christ—and we long to see them saved and gathered around his throne.

Together under God, let’s think about what we need to do in our churches as we strive to reach this city for Christ.

Dave Jensen and Phil Colgan are going to help us think about how we can help everyone in our churches be on board with the mission that drives us.  What are the convictions we need to sharpen in ourselves and encourage in others if we are going to be evangelistically effective? Are there things holding our churches back?  Are there better ways to do things that flow more truly from our convictions?  Those are the sorts of questions we’re going to consider.

Of course, along with this, we’re going to do what we always do at Nexus – come together for encouragement, fellowship and prayer, to spur one another on to persevere in the noble task of serving God’s people as pastors, teachers and evangelists.”

Learn more, and register, at the Nexus25 website.

Southern Cross magazine February – March 2025

The latest issue of Southern Cross magazine (February – March 2025) is now available in churches.

If you miss out on getting a printed copy, a digital version is available from sydneyanglicans.net.

• Ministry to bubs and preschoolers
• Welcoming
• Positive masculinity
• Outreach in your suburb
• SRE teachers

PLUS: news, views, reviews and more

Advancing Indigenous Ministry

“In a boost for ministry to Indigenous peoples, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has announced the landmark appointment of the Rev Michael Duckett as the first Director of Indigenous Ministry in the Sydney Diocese.

Synod last year voted overwhelmingly to create the position after a recommendation from the Sydney Anglican Indigenous Peoples Ministry Committee (SAIPMC) that it would greatly impact the growth and oversight of ministry by, among and for Indigenous people in Sydney and the Illawarra. …”

Good news from Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Photo: Michael Duckett thanks to SydneyAnglicans.nrt.

Back to school in East Africa

“As kids are heading back to school in Australia, the school year is also beginning in East Africa where there are over 2000 children in schools and education programs supported by Anglican Aid.

We praise God that Tarime Girls Secondary School in Tanzania is due to open this week. …”

Anglican Aid has this news for your encouragement and prayers.

Bishop of Bathurst’s HOPE25 Newsletter

The Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has released his HOPE25 Newsletter.

Many churches around Australia are planning to take part in the HOPE25 “intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus” between Easter and Pentecost.

Find your copy here – food for your prayers.

Catholics will accept a common date for Easter in East, West, Pope says

“Celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s willingness to accept a proposal for a common date for celebrating Easter in the West and the East.

Noting that in 2025 the date coincides on the West’s Gregorian calendar and the East’s Julian calendar, Pope Francis said that ‘I renew my appeal that this coincidence may serve as an appeal to all Christians to take a decisive step forward toward unity around a common date for Easter.’…”

– Possibly not something which keeps you awake at night, but important for some. Report from Catholic news agency OCV News.

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