Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral.

Bringing the gospel to the North West

Here’s an encouraging and challenging video from the Diocese of North West Australia. Might you answer the call?

And a message from Bishop Gary Nelson to Christians in the North West –

“The diocese of North West Australia seeks to make disciples of all nations as we centre our church life in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. As you pray, share your resources and visit, please remember to give God thanks for his unfailing, steadfast love to us. Thank you for your support.”

Read it all here.

Kanishka Raffel, the weeping Archbishop

“Much as been said about Kanishka in recent weeks, his Sri Lankan heritage, his background in law, his gifts of teaching and preaching, his intellect, and his commitment to indigenous reconciliation.

There is something else I have noticed. …”

– Murray Campbell sees something we should all learn from.

And watch Kanishka’s sermon here.

The Reformanda Initiative — in conversation with Mark Gilbert

In a recent podcast from The Reformanda Initiative in Rome, Mark Gilbert from Certainty4Eternity shares his own story about how he came to Christ.

He also has some practical advice on sharing the saving gospel with Roman Catholic friends. He says that genuine love is a key.

Very good to share (and to pray about).

Also see these books by Mark at Matthias Media.

This Easter is truly a time of celebration

“This Easter is truly a time of celebration.

Despite the ever-present threat of another virus hotspot, we sense that things are slowly returning to normal.

On our doorstep, outside St Andrew’s Cathedral, the city has come back to life and we can invite the city back in to celebrate with us.

What is so special about Easter Day?

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the pivot of history.

In pandemic-weary Sydney you may baulk at that.

You are not the first. …”

The Daily Telegraph has published this Easter message from Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel.

See it all here.

Image: St. Andrew’s Cathedral video.

It’s too soon to declare COVID defeated, but today is Victory Day anyway

“The Easter Show is back! So, we in Sydney are celebrating like it is 2019 – with some signs of normality. Have we won against COVID? It is too soon to declare victory.

But for Christians like me, we declare victory every Easter. In the Bible’s words, ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory … Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.‘

To set it in context, the Easter narrative is the culmination of God’s rescue plan for Planet Earth. Jesus, the perfect son of God, enters our imperfect world to repair our broken relationship with God. …”

– Bishop Michael Stead writes this op-ed in today’s Sydney Morning Herald.

Image: The Pastor’s Heart video.

Peter Jensen speaks with John Anderson

In his latest Conversations videos, John Anderson speaks with former Archbishop of Sydney Dr. Peter Jensen.

This wide-ranging and deeply personal interview is well worth your time – and is also worth sending to your friends, believers or otherwise.

Archbishop Glenn Davies’ Easter Message 2021

Just before his retirement last week as Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Glenn Davies recorded this 79 second Easter message.

Great to share! Include it in your church service or video for this weekend! (The 38MB mp4 file can be downloaded here for use in church services.)

Here’s the full text, courtesy of

Easter the perfect lockdown that broke the chains of death, church says – SMH

“One church has characterised the death and resurrection of Christ celebrated at Easter as the perfect three-day lockdown that broke the chains of death. …”

This Sydney Morning Herald story highlights the Easter ‘sign’ at All Saints Nowra.

From Sydney to the World

If you missed out on seeing From Sydney to the World on Saturday (15th August), you can now watch the full presentation here.

It’s an important online event focussing on the raising up of the next generation of labourers for the harvest. Most encouraging. And do consider sharing the link.

CMS NSW/ACT gives thanks for response to Lasting Hope Appeal

From the CMS NSW and ACT branch:

Praise God that we have exceeded our $1.6 million target, to support CMS missionaries as they share the hope of Jesus! Thank you to all those who have been praying for the appeal – and for everyone who gave in support.

You will know that CMS has faced significant financial challenges amidst the COVID-19 period. It is a great joy and encouragement to know that our Fellowship is responding to these challenges together, as we trust in the God who provides for all of our needs.

But our work is not finished yet. During COVID-19, our branch faced a number of unexpected expenses – the high cost of airfares at short notice, loss of income from the CMS Conference Centre, and additional housing for missionaries who were unable to leave or needed to return to Australia – these are just a few examples. …”

See more here.

John Chapman: Encouragement for Evangelism

“Do you really believe the gospel can convert your friends?”

[We posted this in February 2020. The pandemic is an excellent time to be reminded of this encouragement.]

In June and July 1977, the Sydney University Evangelical Union ran a major campus-wide mission. It was a big undertaking for the members of the SUEU, and a great blessing to many at the university.

John Chapman (Director of the Department of Evangelism in Sydney Diocese from 1969) and Paul Barnett (Rector of Holy Trinity Adelaide since 1973, and previously Rector of St. Barnabas Broadway) were the missioners.

Several months before the Mission, SUEU President Adrian Lane asked Chappo to record some words of encouragement for SUEU members. This 6 minute and 34 second tape is the result. We hope you find it a real encouragement.


Or right click on this link to download the 3.2MB mp3 file.


Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.

The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.

John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.

John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.

Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.

Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane remembers the beginnings of the SUEU – ACL.

(1980 photo: AFES.)

Good News from the Other Side — Dean of Sydney’s Easter Day sermon 2020

The Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Kanishka Raffel, shares this Easter message. “From the Other Side”.

What is the good news?
Can we believe it?
Does it matter?

“The Resurrection of Jesus is Good News from the Other Side.”

The Bible passages to read are Psalm 118:1-2, 14-29 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

Watch and share widely.

Easter messages of hope, joy and love from Sydney’s religious leaders

“The great news is that God is as close to us as he has ever been. He is not socially distant. What we ­remember at Easter is that Jesus came into a world full of viruses, loneliness and broken relationships.

In his death on the cross and resurrection on Easter Day, he foreshadowed a day when our world would be healed. His promise still stands. …”

– from Archbishop Glenn Davies’ Easter message in The Daily Telegraph.

‘Committing to what really counts’: Easter message of hope

“The Anglican Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, who will lead a service on the St Andrew’s Cathedral live stream at 9.30am on Good Friday and from 10.30am on Easter Sunday said many people were ‘dipping their toes into online church’ because they had nothing to lose watching it from home.

He said the COVID-19 crisis had challenged people’s trust and security in the material world. …”

– Story by Anna Patty in The Sydney Morning Herald.

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