Two Ways Ministries Forum on The Necessity of the Resurrection

“In light of the National Day of Mourning next Thursday we will be holding a special Forum on The Necessity of the Resurrection.”

Phillip Jensen writes:

“You may not have been to Forums for a while or you may not be able to get to Forums on a normal Thursday evening but do join us next week, Thursday 22nd September.

The time, location and arrangements will stay the same:
7 pm till 9 pm, Marcus Loane Hall, Moore College.

If you would like to bring your own food to eat dinner beforehand, please join us in the Knox Common Room which will be open with tea and coffee from 6pm and for supper after the Forum.

I hope to see you there, as our nation mourns the death of the Queen of Australia, we consider the resurrection of the King of Heaven.”

Photos: Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, 2006.

Loving Jesus exposes our hearts

“No matter how many times I read Luke’s Gospel, it always impacts me. This is because we meet Jesus as he meets with different people.

Although it is a little hard to choose, I think my favourite encounter is Jesus’ interaction with the woman who was a sinner from Luke 7:36-50. There is so much to unpack in this story, but let me share with you just three things that struck me. …”

– Ben George writes at The Australian Church Record.

Bathurst thanks Sydney Synod

This video was shown in Sydney synod on Wednesday night 14 September 2022, as part of Bishop Calder’s presentation to thank Sydney for their generous support and humbly ask that it might be renewed.

Much to give thanks for – and much to continue to pray about.


Sydney helps Bathurst –, 15 October 2018.

What is REACH-SA?

Many of our readers will be familiar with REACH-SA (the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa) and the long connection Sydney has had.

In a new 2 minute video, on their recently re-designed website, Presiding Bishop Glenn Lyons speaks of their mission.

Encouraging, and a good reminder to pray for the proclamation of the gospel in South Africa (and in Sydney).

Eager to preach the Gospel — Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on Romans 1:8-17

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel spoke at Moore College chapel this morning.

He spoke from Romans 1:8-17. Very encouraging.

What I learned from 35 years of running evangelistic courses

“In the 1980s the thinking was that, given the reduced level of biblical literacy, non-believers needed more than a one-off presentation to properly appreciate the gospel. Perhaps in the 1950s, when non-believers still had a fairly good Bible knowledge, a one-off presentation could be effective. …

Things have moved on since the 1980s.”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Stephen Liggins points to the different context in which we share the gospel today – as well as some ideas which may help.

Telling the Story of Jesus

“Have you ever been in a situation where you would love to leave a gospel message with someone but had nothing with you to give? Or the person didn’t read English and that’s the only language you have available? Global Recordings Network has a unique solution to this dilemma: 5fish! …

The International Orality Network tells us that 4 out of 5 people in the world communicate primarily or exclusively through oral, not textual means. This means that only 1 out of 5 people are happy when you give them something to read – regardless of whether it is a book, magazine, or tract. Everyone else wants to listen or watch!

The Australian Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey in 2006 that informs us that approximately 7 million (46%) Australians aged 15 to 74 years did not reach the minimum standard required for individuals to meet the complex demands of everyday life and work in the emerging knowledge-based economy. Almost half of the Australian population would struggle to read and understand the Bible if you handed them one.”

– At AP (The Australian Presbyterian), Global Recordings Network’s Christine Platt makes a case for 5fish, now in its tenth year.

A message for Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

The Rev. Michael Duckett, who leads Macarthur Indigenous Church, has shared a prayer and video message for Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week.

The video could be downloaded for use in church.

“As God’s people, and as his church, we have the responsibility to be ambassadors of reconciliation. So I want to encourage us … that we would be bringing the true message of reconciliation to this country.”

Read and watch at

Astronaut Charles Duke walked on the Moon 50 years ago — He shares his story

“Astronaut Charles Duke played a crucial role in the very first the moon landing and also … 50 years ago, walked on the moon himself.”

– Eric Metaxas (author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Martin Luther) last week interviewed Astronaut Charlie Duke, on the 50th anniversary of Charlie’s landing on the Moon on Apollo 16.

Charlie shares that walking with Jesus is better than walking on the Moon.

(Photo: Charlie Duke at Plum Crater, Saturday 22 April 1972.)

Tasmania Celebration with Will Graham — May 2022

From the Diocese of Tasmania

“The Tasmania Celebration with Will Graham is coming up in Hobart on 21 May and in Launceston from 27-29 May 2022.

Since 1950, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has held Crusades all across the globe for one purpose: to proclaim God’s love to people who need Jesus Christ. Today, Will Graham Celebrations continue this life-changing mission. …”

The Truth of Jesus: John Anderson speaks with Phillip Jensen

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson has interviewed many interesting people over the last few years.

With Easter upon us, he speaks with Phillip Jensen, Bible Teacher and Evangelist.

Fascinating interview. Encouraging to watch and great to share.

It’s available at – and also on YouTube where a timeline of topics discussed is posted underneath the video.

“Easter in a minute” – from the Bishop of Bathurst

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder has released this one-minute Easter message for 2022.

Watch and share widely.

Also, Bishop Calder has posted several Easter service and sermon videos. If you’re unable to get to church this Easter, you’ll find them a great encouragement.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s Easter Message 2022

Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel has released this Easter Message for 2022.

Watch and share widely.

It’s ideal to download and play in church, or to post on church websites!

Thanks to Russell Powell at Anglican Media Sydney for the video and the transcript.

Image: Anglican Media Sydney.

The enduring peace of Easter

“As we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter this year, we are conscious in a fresh and striking way of the need of the world for the forgiveness, judgement and healing that lie at the heart of the Cross of Christ. …”

– Archbishop Kanishka Raffel writes in the April edition of Southern Cross magazine.

It’s available here – so download and share a copy – or pick up the printed version from your church before Easter.

InterCultural MTS broadens the horizon

“When the Ministry Training Strategy began in the early 1980s, the vision was always to multiply gospel workers through ministry apprenticeships ‘to win the world for Christ’.

Now there is a new method for achieving this aim, through a partnership between MTS and European Christian Mission. …”

– At Judy Adamson reports on a new angle for MTS.

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