Penal Substitution Evidences the Godness of God

“Man of Sorrows is a much-loved hymn that meditates on the wonder of Christ’s death for us. Like so many Christian songs that churches sing with conviction and praise, we are reminded of the intense beauty and grace of God’s sacrifice on behalf of sinners.

What happens though when a pastor decides to tell his congregation that the heart of the gospel is not only not the heart of the gospel, but is objectionable and not believed by him?

A Facebook comment appeared on my feed yesterday that caught my attention …”

– Murray Campbell has done Christians a great service by pointing us back to the cross. (He also points us back to the important book, Pierced for our Transgressions.).

The Peace-Maker

Alienation is a word often used to describe our human plight. Everywhere relationships are broken – between or within nations, in the workplace, between friends and within families. The phrase ‘the power of love’ or ‘love is everything’ is said to be the cure-all for brokenness and division. But what do these expressions really mean? What does real love look like?

Throughout the Bible, especially as it relates to God and his relationship with us, we find a radically different way that love is understood.…”

– At the Anglican Connection, John Mason doesn’t want us to forget the wonder of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Two exciting projects from Discipleship Tech

Recently Andy Geers shared updates on two exciting updates from Discipleship Tech, the team behind PrayerMate.

• An update of Redeeming the Time.

• Crowdfunding for The Serpent & The Seed, “a mobile adventure game designed to help people, who would never normally open the Bible, to engage with the big story of salvation and our place within it.”

Good to pray about (and financially support, if you are able)!

Evangelism – A Priority in Your Parish? — Neil Prott

“There is nothing more wonderful we can do for anyone than introduce them to Jesus Christ.

However, this is not reflected in the programme of many parishes today.

No doubt there are numerous reasons for the current state of affairs. Our analysis should take in the Scriptural factors as well as the obvious ones. …”

– The late Neil Prott wrote this article for ACL News back in 1989.

(We gave thanks for Neil when he was called home in April 2022.)

Meet the “Alone” contestant who is never alone

“Michael Wallace almost didn’t make it onto the SBS show Alone. The overseas smash-hit show, which came to Australia this year, features 10 contestants dropped in the Tasmanian wilderness to see who lasts longest without being medically evacuated or tapping out.

Michael, described on the show as a 43-year-old veterinarian and bush regenerator, is also a member of Narellan Anglican Church. …”

Russell Powell at interviews Michael Wallace about being on SBS’s Alone.

Tim Keller’s Last email to John Piper

From Desiring God:

“Based on their last correspondence, what would Tim Keller want John Piper to say to younger pastors (and everybody else)?”

110 second video.

Integrating missional and attractional evangelistic strategies – with Richard Borgonon

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Richard Borgonon is the author of Word 1-2-1.

He presented at the recent Gafcon Conference in Kigali alongside Christianity Explored’s Rico Tice on how a church might have an integrated evangelistic strategy incorporating both an evangelistic course and a program where members are encouraged to personally evangelise their friends through personal bible reading.

After Rico Tice headed off for a coffee, we sat down to ask Richard how might this work.”

Watch or listen here.

Mercy ministries: reaching the poor through social action

“I’ve found that, so often, churches don’t seriously consider the working-class communities on their doorstep unless it is in connection with social action.

Too often, our projects involve doing things for or to people, not with them. To engage with people, involve them in church life and our own lives, is harder; but that is to treat people as people. …”

– in her series on ‘Class and the Church’, Kirsten Birkett considers the place of ‘mercy ministries’ and asks what might be missing. At the Church Society blog.

Has there ever been a month like this for BCA? Five Field Staff commissioned in six weeks!

BCA’s NSW/ACT Regional Officer Paul Sampson writes,

“Our good God has heard and answered your prayers. What a joy to attend the commissioning of not one but five Field Staff in five different locations in just six Saturdays during late January, February and March 2023. Each of these ministries is a testament to the graciousness of our God and the faithfulness of BCA supporters who have prayed diligently for many years and generously provided financial support for these ministries. …”

In his The Narrow Road newsletter for May 2023, Paul shares news of commissionings at

as well as other encouragements.

Download the PDF file here. (Link via the Bush Church Aid Society Facebook page.)

All Souls Coronation Prom – from the Royal Albert Hall

Not many churches have the resources to organise a Coronation Prom at the Royal Albert Hall. Thankfully, All Souls’ Langham Place with All Souls Music, does.

On Saturday night (the evening of the Coronation) this major event was staged and Rico Tice spoke.

Watch from the beginning – or jump straight to Rico’s address.

(The Michael Andrews whom Rico mentions at the start of his talk is Senior Music Minister of All Souls, Langham Place.)

Thanks to Anglican Mainstream for the link!

THAT’S EASTER — Life to Death – and Death to Life

Back in 2010, St. Helen’s Bishopsgate released this video.

Good to share (again).

See also THAT’S EASTER Death to Life:

Do you know death?

“Over the past three years, it’s been sobering as the world confronts its mortality. Covid’s death toll overwhelmed hospitals, filled the morgues, converted paddocks into mass graves. The words of Hamilton have felt prophetic: ‘Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinner and the saint, it takes, and it takes, and it takes…’

In the wake of Covid, we awoke to the reality of death. Suddenly, the false hopes of medicine, exercise, healthy diets to fix everything were exposed as fake, phonies, flimsy bandaids that offered only temporary solutions. And suddenly the desire for pretty things, faster internet, on-trend fashion, tastier coffee faded in comparison to the desire for life and love and longevity.

But death shouldn’t surprise us. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Jeanette Chin shares something of her story, our story, and the sure hope we have in Jesus.

Easter message from Bishop Mark Calder

Here’s an Easter message from Bishop Mark Calder, Bishop of Bathurst.

The Resurrection is Real — The Archbishop’s Easter message 2023

“Have you experienced the true meaning of Easter? … Jesus’ resurrection changes everything!”

– Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has released this 90 second Easter message.

Great to share / show in church / put on your church website.

Download the text from (PDF).

Report by Russell Powell –

“Sydney Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has used his Easter message, to appeal for people to consider the true message of Easter and the reality of the resurrection of Jesus. …”

“Go ahead and invite them”

“Research on community attitudes has revealed some encouraging statistics on people’s willingness to attend church during Holy week.

The statistics come from the National Church Life Survey’s Australian Community Survey, taken at the end of 2022.

Asked if they would go to church this Easter if a close friend or family member invited them, 42 per cent of Australians said yes. A further 19  per cent of those surveyed said they were unsure. …”

– Here’s some encouragement from Russell Powell at

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