The Grace of God OR the world of the West?

mike-ovey-gafcon-2013“My first really significant encounter with worldwide Anglicanism came at theological college.

It was 1990 and an east African priest was on secondment with us. He preached in the college chapel. He posed a question. Which gospel, he asked, which gospel do you westerners want us to believe? The one you came with or the one you preach now? Which gospel? I was horrified, not because what he said was not true. I was horrified because it was true.

My east African brother’s question has nagged away at me ever since. But how has it come about that we have a different gospel now from the one we first preached. What is this difference between what we westerners say now and what we said then? …”

– Dr. Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill College, speaking at a GAFCON Plenary session. Full text PDF from GAFCON. Watch it here, courtesy Anglican TV. (Photo: Stephen Sizer.)

See also:

Archbishop Peter Jensen – “GAFCON is a way of delivering friendship and unity” – Sunday 20th October – transcript (GAFCON) and video (Anglican TV).

GAFCON 2013 Tuesday Highlights

GAFCONA 2 minute 40 second video-montage of Tuesday at GAFCON in Nairobi.

The Global Challenge

GAFCON 2013 official photoArchbishop Dr Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya and Chairman of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans –

“The challenge we face is that the nations which were once the spiritual powerhouses of world wide mission have now become deeply secularised and even hostile to the Christian faith and the Churches of those lands have more often than not been strongly influenced by the societies in which they are set.

I am aware that for some of you, the threat of violence from Islamic extremism may be uppermost your minds, and we have had a painful reminder of that reality recently here in Kenya, but that which really rots the fabric of the Communion is the much more insidious process by which weak churches are gradually taken captive by the surrounding culture.”

– from The Chairman’s Address at GAFCON on Tuesday 22nd October. Read it all.

The official photo of Bishops and Archbishops attending gives some indication of the shift in global Christianity. See who you can spot in the full size version. (Photo: GAFCON.)

The Archbishop’s earlier greetings can be seen here from Anglican TV.

GAFCON not ‘a breakaway movement’

1st press conference“Leaders of the Global Anglican Future Conference … refuted characterizations in the western press of the gathering as a breakaway movement, with recently retired Archbishop Peter Jensen of Sydney responding that ‘nothing could be further from the truth.’…”

– Report from GAFCON.

Edited highlights from the press conference may be seen here on Vimeo.

Nairobi conference confirms major realignment in Anglican Communion

GAFCON“Although initially expecting 1100, the final total is 1,352 Archbishops, Bishops, clergy and lay people, men and women, from almost 40 countries. The number of bishops attending is 331, of whom 30 are Archbishops.. …” – from GAFCON.

Archbishop Welby addresses GAFCON

Archbishop Justin Welby at All Saints' Nairobi, 20 October 2013Kevin Kallsen of Anglican TV has posted video of Archbishop Welby’s sermon at All Saints’ Cathedral in Nairobi yesterday.

‘Welby backs GAFCON vision for a renewed Church’

Abp Welby“The Archbishop of Canterbury offered his qualified personal endorsement to Gafcon today, telling the congregation of All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi his vision for the future of the Anglican Communion was of a Bible-based church dedicated to mission and evangelism – goals shared by the Gafcon movement of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA).

… he conceded the existing instruments of communion were no longer fit for purpose in ordering the life of the Anglican world. …”

– From George Conger at Anglican Ink.

Nairobi Cathedral welcomes Primates for GAFCON 2013

welcomeThousands packed multiple services at Nairobi’s All Saints Cathedral on the eve of the Global Anglican Future Conference (Sunday 20th October).

Leading the joyous congregants was the Primate of Kenya and chairman of GAFCON, Eliud Wabukala, along with members of the GAFCON Primates Council and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Archbishop Justin Welby joined Archbishop Robert Duncan, Primate of the Anglican Church in North America, Presiding Bishop Tito Zavala of the Southern Cone, Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul of Sudan, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh of Nigeria and Archbishop Henri Isingoma of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Archbishops Duncan and Bishop Zavala joined in celebrating communion while Archbishop Welby preached, in a truly international event.

The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke of a ‘new Anglican Communion’ saying new structures were needed for the 21st Century.

Later the Primates and Archbishop Welby attended a luncheon reception.

“It is a great privilege to have shared this lunch with you and to be here as you set off on this extraordinary week which I hope and pray will move the whole Anglican Communion forward.”

The General Secretary of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans Dr Peter Jensen said “I believe that the new Anglican Communion could be seen at the first GAFCON in 2008.”

“This great gathering in Nairobi is a model for our partnership with each other within the Anglican Communion, based on the truth of the Bible.” Dr Jensen said.

Source: GAFCON. Photo: Russell Powell.

Welcome to Nairobi

Abp Wabukala welcomes Abp WelbyArchbishop Eliud Wabukala, Archbishop of Kenya and Chairman of GAFCON, welcomes GAFCON attendees – and also the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is present for the earlier two-day GAFCON Primates’ meeting.

“I am very happy to welcome you to All Saints Cathedral this morning and I especially want to recognise His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury who will be our preacher this morning. This is the second visit to Kenya he has made this year so we are very privileged! It is a great joy that we are together in this service as we enjoy fellowship in Christ with our brother Primates.

But the word on everybody’s lips today is GAFCON. … We are welcoming over 1,300 delegates from around the world, some of whom are already with us to share in our worship this morning. We are so happy you are here and we welcome you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. …”

– Read it all at the GAFCON website. Photo: Russell Powell.

GAFCON 2013 and Authority in the Church

GAFCON NairobiGAFCON 2013 begins in Nairobi tomorrow, so now would be a good time to uphold in prayer this significant gathering.

This 2008 theological resource paper by Dr Mark Thompson is a good reminder as to why GAFCON is committed to the authority of the Bible.

We’ll be posting news from GAFCON as it comes through.

GAFCON and the Archbishop of Canterbury

GAFCON Nairobi 2013“The Archbishop of Canterbury will visit GAFCON primates just before the opening of GAFCON 2013 in Nairobi.

GAFCON Primates are holding a two day meeting, then 1200 leaders and lay people from the UK, Asia, Africa, the Pacific and South America will fly in to Nairobi for the Global Anglican Future Conference starting on Monday, October 21st.

GAFCON Chairman Eliud Wabukala invited Archbishop Justin Welby to send greetings to the conference and he indicated he was unable to do so in person because of commitments during the week. His office has since confirmed he will make a flying visit to speak with the Primates.

The general secretary of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, Dr Peter Jensen, says “The Archbishop’s decision to come to the Primates meeting is a recognition of the importance of such a large and significant gathering of Anglicans from around the world and he will be made very welcome.”

Issued 7/10/13.”

– News from GAFCON.

Related: Unforced Anglican errors from The Telegraph – GetReligion.

A future for Anglicans?

Gerald Bray“In October 2013 GAFCON II will meet in Nairobi. GAFCON (Global Anglican Futures Conference) might be described as the illegitimate brainchild of Rowan Williams when he was archbishop of Canterbury and it may yet turn out to be his most enduring legacy…”

– In his editorial in the Autumn 2013 issue of Churchman, Gerald Bray gives his take (PDF file) on GAFCON II and the future of the Anglican Communion.

GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya  and Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council“I know … that, like me, you will have been very distressed by the callous and violent attack on the Westgate shopping centre here in Nairobi last week. … We have seen a manifestation of evil in this city, but my prayer for our conference is that it will be a manifestation of the presence of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

– Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya and Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council writes in his latest Pastoral Letter as GAFCON approaches.

Anglican Aid seeks help for three urgent causes

Anglican AidThe Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid is seeking donations for three key causes:

1.  Emergency Appeal for Anglicans in Peshawar
2. Helping Tanzanian Bishops and Leaders go to GAFCON2
3. Emergency Appeal for Syrian Refugees being cared for in Egypt

See the Anglican Aid website and donation page for more.

The Sydney Lambeth Decision Briefing

Dean Phillip JensenAudio and PDF files of Friday’s Lambeth Decision Briefing called by Dean Phillip Jensen, and held in the Chapter House of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, are now available, courtesy of

All very helpful in understanding the crisis facing the Anglican Communion.

The topic of the briefing was – ‘The Lambeth Decision: Refining or Redefining Anglicanism?’

The mp3 audio and PDF files will open in a new window.

Phillip JensenAre there limits to fellowship? (70 min / 24MB) – PDF file.
Mark Thompson
The Anglican Debacle. (30 min / 11MB) – PDF file.
Robert Tong
Doing the Lambeth Walk. (21 min / 7 MB) – PDF file.
Russell PowellWhat is GAFCON all about? (7 min / 2.4MB) – PDF file.

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