Communion Restructure Fails to Bring Renewal — GAFCON

“To my brothers and sisters in the Gafcon family,

The recommendations of the December 2024 Report of IASCUFO (the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order) will fail to bring about renewal in the Anglican Communion.

There is merit in the leadership of the Primates’ Council and the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) being handed over from the Archbishop of Canterbury to a rotating, international chair.

But their proposed restructure of the ‘Instruments of Communion’ fails to bring genuine renewal to our Anglican Church.

The IASCUFO recommendations weaken the foundations of our common doctrine by sanctifying the revisionist theologies of provinces and dioceses that have wandered from the truth. …”

A message from The Most Rev’d Dr Laurent Mbanda, Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council.


Fatal Flaws in the Nairobi-Cairo Proposals – Bishop-Elect Phil Ashey at The American Anglican Council.

Next-generation Bishops to gather in March

Gafcon Primates Council Chairman Archbishop Dr. Laurent Mbanda writes:

“It is with great joy that I share with you news about an important gathering of Gafcon leaders this March, to be held in the United States in Plano, Texas.

The G25 Mini Conference has a special focus upon the next generation of global bishops, with a selection of those consecrated in the past five years receiving a special invitation.

This event comes at a very important time in the life of our movement …”

– see the full letter from Gafcon.

Gafcon: Welcome to the Newest Primates

Abp Vicente Msosa with Paul Denison

“It has been an honour to gather this month with leaders of the Anglican Communion to celebrate the installation of the Most Rev. Enrique Lago Zugadi as new Primate of Chile, and the Most Rev. Vicente Msosa as new Primate of Mozambique and Angola.

The Lord is raising up leaders who long to see the Bible at the heart of the Anglican Communion, and who seek to lead their provinces in faithful obedience to God’s word…”

Read more from Gafcon General Secretary Paul Donison.

Photo: Archbishop Vicente Msosa, Primate of Mozambique and Angola, with Gafcon General Secretary Bishop Paul Donison.

Province of the Indian Ocean Elects Gilbert Rateloson Rakotondravelo as Seventh Archbishop

“The Rt. Rev. Gilbert Rateloson Rakotondravelo, Bishop of Fianarantsoa, was elected as the Province of the Indian Ocean’s seventh primate and archbishop by the provincial synod on December 14.

He succeeds Archbishop James Wong, who has led the province of eight dioceses in Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion, and the Comoros, since 2017. The province, also known as the Anglican Church of the Indian Ocean, has about 505,000 members. …”

– Report from The Living Church. (Photo: Berthier Lainirina, via The Living Church.)

Gafcon responds to the resignation of Archbishop Welby

A Statement from Gafcon:

“We were saddened by the news of the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the reasons for his decision. While the Gafcon Primates have been critical of the Archbishop’s leadership, the circumstances of his resignation is not an occasion for rejoicing, but for grief and self-reflection.

The presence of child sexual abuse in the church of God is a pernicious evil, which has brought devastating, long-term effects upon survivors and their families. Yet their trauma is only exacerbated by negligence or inaction in pursuing and prosecuting perpetrators for their crimes. Such failures to act also grieve the heart of God and bring shame upon his church.

We appreciate Archbishop Justin’s willingness to resign from his office, as it shows evidence of his desire to take responsibility for his own lack of action in investigating the allegations against John Smyth, which came to light in 2013. While his own admission of regret and remorse is welcome, the past cannot be undone.

Leadership in any sphere of life is challenging, and no less so in the church of God. Christian leaders are called to be shepherds of the flock. Yet, none of us is perfect, as we all make mistakes, but owning our failures is also the mark of good leadership. While some errors of judgment have greater consequences than others, the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, knows our frailty and forgives all who are truly penitent. He also cares for the downcast and broken, as he cares for those who have been abused.

We pray for Archbishop Justin, his wife Caroline, and his family as the days ahead will not be without difficulty. We also pray for all those who have experienced sexual abuse by false shepherds in the church of God. May they know the peace of God that passes understanding and that heals all our infirmities.

The Most Revd. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council
Archbishop & Primate of Rwanda (EAR)
Bishop of Gasabo.”

– Source: Gafcon.

Gafcon rebukes Archbishop Welby and affirms orthodox Anglicans in England

Here is a Communique from the Gafcon Primates’ Council:

“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 3)

We, the Gafcon Primates, meeting in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, to celebrate the investiture of Archbishop Steve Wood as the third Primate of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and to welcome him as a Primate of the Anglican Communion, send greetings to the faithful.

We wish we could write to you about our great joy for mission, evangelism, and church planting, but recent statements by the Archbishop of Canterbury require us to yet again address an urgent matter surrounding biblical ethics confronting our beloved Anglican church.

The recent actions of the General Synod of the Church of England, where Archbishop Justin Welby has championed the introduction of same-sex blessings into the life of the Church of England, has galvanised the Gafcon movement in the ongoing reset of the Anglican Communion. However, Archbishop Welby’s recent explicit repudiation of Christian doctrine in his interview on Britain’s podcast, ‘The Rest is Politics,’ has brought us to repeat our serious call for his personal repentance.

In this interview, he publicly states that:

“all sexual activity should be within a committed relationship and whether it’s straight or gay. In other words, we’re not giving up on the idea that sex is within marriage or civil partnership. We’ve put forward a proposal that where people have been through a civil partnership or a same-sex marriage, equal marriage under the 2014 Act, they should be able to come along to their local, to a church, and have a service of prayer and blessing for them in their lives together.”

While he may claim not to have changed the doctrine of marriage, the Archbishop of Canterbury has demonstrably changed the doctrine of sin, by promoting the sanctification of sin by means of a divine blessing.

This is in clear breach of Holy Scripture, which unequivocally teaches that the only proper context for sexual intimacy is in the relationship of a man and woman who have been joined together in marriage. All forms of sexual intimacy outside of this context are condemned as immorality and are behaviors from which the people of God are regularly called to repent (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

It is also in clear breach of Resolution I.10 of the 1998 Lambeth Conference, which rejected, “homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture,” and which the Archbishop as recently as 2022 declared to be the teaching of the Anglican Communion, including the Church of England.

We are guided by Jesus’ solemn words of warning to the Church of Thyatira, because, “they tolerate the teaching of Jezebel,” which endorses sexual immorality. Only judgment awaits Jezebel and all who follow her, unless they repent (Revelation 2:21-22; 22:15). Any toleration, let alone endorsement, of immorality is liable to God’s judgment.

For this reason, in response to his public comments, we solemnly repeat our call for Archbishop Justin Welby to personally and publicly repent of this denial of his ordination and consecration vows, where he promised to, “teach the doctrine of Christ as the Church of England has received it.”

Gafcon supports all faithful Anglicans, both those who have chosen to leave established provinces where the authority of Scripture has been compromised, as well as those who choose to remain as they seek to reform their province from within.

Therefore, we continue to champion The Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) as Gafcon’s authentically-Anglican structural provision for those who cannot by conscience remain within the historic, revisionist structures.

Additionally, we express our support for The Alliance as they seek to stand firm in defense of biblical marriage within the Church of England, and we stand ready to defend, authenticate, and support them.

Finally, we declare afresh to all those in England who, “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to all the saints,” that you are not alone.

Gafcon Primates’ Council.
Reformation Day,
31 October 2024.

– Also published on the GAFCON website.

Archbishop Steve Wood — A Primate of Prayer


“Meet Archbishop Steve Wood, who will be invested this week as Primate of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a province established and celebrated by Gafcon.

In this extended interview, Archbishop Steve shares intimate insights into his daily devotional life, his emotional journey through his near-fatal COVID-19 illness, and his personal experience of leaving The Episcopal Church to join the ACNA.

General Secretary Paul Donison speaks with Archbishop Steve, as he candidly describes his deep fellowship within Gafcon, and his personal experiences of becoming Primate.”

Listen here – or direct link to Spotify.

Very encouraging – and a reminder of what a belessing the Gafcon movement has been to so many.


One of Archbishop Foley Beach’s Christmas messages (this one from December 2022).

Reaching doubters and sceptics in Cambridge

At The Anglican Convocation in Europe, the Rev. Andrew Fellows writes:

“Three years ago, we began as Panton Street Church, a small group dedicated to creating a welcoming space for honest questions. We felt called to the mission of reaching doubters and sceptics in Cambridge with the truth of the gospel. We also felt the growing need to deepen our discipleship by bringing the Bible into a conversation with cultural trends. We are so grateful to the Lord for the joy of seeing people come to faith, and young Christians growing in the faith. …”

Read it all here.

Rejoicing at what Gafcon is doing in Europe

From The Anglican Network in Europe:

“On 15th October 2024 Gafcon inaugurated a third diocese for the Anglican Network in Europe [ANiE]. The Anglican Missionary Congregations (Europe) [AMC] has grown from a single Nigerian diaspora congregation in Manchester to 39 congregations all over the UK and in some parts of Europe, served by 54 mainly self-supporting clergy.

Joining in partnership for mission to Europe is a beautiful expression of the Lord gathering people from every tribe, language, people and nation to proclaim Christ faithfully to a needy continent. AMC will bring their significant energy and experience of church planting to ANiE.

Archbishop Laurent Mbanda, Chair of the Gafcon Primates’ Council, inaugurated the diocese and then consecrated Dr Gideon Illechukwu before Presiding Bishop Andy Lines installed him as their first bishop. In a service with a vibrant Nigerian flavour, people from all over the Network celebrated their unity in the global Anglican family of Gafcon for gospel mission under the clear authority of scripture.

The Archbishop said, ‘This is what Gafcon has done and will continue to do; not only contending for the gospel but providing an ecclesial home for those determined to proclaim God’s unchanging truth in a changing world.’

Newly consecrated Bishop Gideon Illeechukwu said, ‘Praise God for a day like this, that we are joining the Anglican Network in Europe as their third diocese. I am grateful to the Lord for calling me to serve as the diocesan bishop of the Anglican Missionary Congregations (Europe) and pray that together we shall expand the kingdom of God in Europe and beyond through Gafcon.’ ”

via e-mail.


Background – ANiE.

Meanwhile, back in the Church of England –

Martyn Snow, lead bishop for the ‘Living and Love and Faith’ process, presents an 8 minute video where he outlines what happens next with the LLF steamroller, arguing that the Church of England was born in disagreement, and hoping that people won’t leave.

Why so many new Anglican denominations?

“There are multiple Anglican denominations all over the world and even here in Australia – that is nothing new. For instance, have you ever heard of the Free Church of England in Australia, or the Anglican Independent Communion Australia or The Traditional Anglican Church in Australia? …

In March this year, I was in Rwanda for a meeting of the GAFCON primates’ council. In the room were church leaders, some recognised by both GAFCON and by Canterbury, together with another group of leaders whose churches are only recognised by GAFCON. …”

Bishop Malcolm Richards answers the question of “Why so many new Anglican denominations?” – at


Gideon Ilechukwu – Planting a Diocese from Scratch — Global Anglican Podcast

From Gafcon:

“Meet the Venerable Gideon Ilechukwu, who is about to become Gafcon’s newest bishop, and who will soon lead Gafcon’s newest diocese.

Thirteen years ago, he planted a church in Manchester, England, which has now grown to 39 churches with 52 ministers… and on October 15 we will form this fellowship into a diocese called ‘Anglican Missionary Congregations (AMC) Europe’, which he will lead as bishop.

General Secretary Paul Donison speaks with Gideon, as he shares with us how he planted this diocese from scratch, and how Gafcon provided vital support and resources for gospel mission throughout the UK and Europe.”

Listen here.

New Gafcon Diocese and Bishop serving the UK and Europe

News from Bishop Paul Donison, Gafcon General Secretary:

“Dear Brothers and Sisters of Gafcon,

I am delighted to announce the establishment of a new Gafcon diocese, to be led by our newest bishop-elect, the Venerable Dr Gideon Ilechukwu. …”

– Read the full announcement at the Gafcon website.

A Heart for the Gospel: Paul Donison speaks with Jodie McNeill

GAFCON’s Global Anglican Podcast episode number 7 has been released:

Jodie McNeill – A Heart for the Gospel: Meet the New Global Operations Manager

We sit down with the Revd Jodie McNeill, Gafcon’s Global Operations Manager, to discuss his vital new role in the day-to-day ministry of Gafcon.

As an Anglican pastor and longstanding advocate for the Gafcon movement, Jodie understands the need to both ‘throw a lifeboat’ to Anglican churches whose diocesan leaders have abandoned the truth, as well as the importance of supporting churches that remain within their troubled dioceses.

General Secretary Paul Donison explores with Jodie their shared passion to see Gafcon engage and equip everyday Anglicans in standing firm for the gospel today.”

Listen here.

Jodie McNeill named as Gafcon Global Operations Manager

Here’s an announcement from Bishop Paul Donison, Gafcon General Secretary:

“Dear Brothers and Sisters within our Gafcon family,

On behalf of the Gafcon Primates, Guarantors and Trustees, it is my joy to announce the appointment of the Reverend Jodie McNeill as our new Global Operations Manager.

Jodie is a passionate supporter of Gafcon with extensive executive-level ministry experience, as well as gifts in preaching and pastoral ministry.

He served on the organizing committee for the Jerusalem 2018 and Kigali 2023 conferences, and has chaired the committee for the recent Australasia conferences in Canberra and Brisbane.

We believe Jodie brings both the administrative and strategic planning skills this role requires, while also excelling in team leadership and generosity of spirit that will serve our Secretariat well.

Jodie will serve in this role part-time until he concludes at the end of this year as Rector of Jamberoo Anglican Church, Diocese of Sydney. He succeeds Canon Daniel Willis, who has commenced retirement, having served faithfully in this role since 2020.

Jodie will lead the international staff and ministry of the Gafcon Global Secretariat from Sydney, Australia, and will work closely with me as General Secretary, as well as Archbishop Mbanda and our Primates’ Council, Trustees and Guarantors.

Jodie is married to Mandy, who has enthusiastically served alongside him in Gafcon ministries since 2018, and who continues to share with him a deep passion for this movement that they love. They have four adult children, two sons-in-law, and a baby grandson.

Please join me in praying for Jodie and Mandy, the Parish of Jamberoo, and our whole Gafcon movement.

Again and again in this Gafcon work I see Psalm 118:23 in action: “This is the Lord’s work; it is marvellous in our eyes.”

Yours in Christ,

The Rt. Revd. Paul Donison
Gafcon General Secretary.”

via e-mail.

Gafcon Stands with the Alliance

Here’s a press release from the Chairman of Gafcon, 16 July 2024:

With faithful Anglicans around the globe, including Gafcon and GSFA Provinces, we grieve that our Mother Church, the Church of England, has abandoned her children who wish to uphold the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ on marriage and his apostle’s clear denunciation of all forms of sexual immorality.

The recent decision of the General Synod to approve the use of prayers of blessing for same-sex couples is to bless what God does not bless, and is nothing less than prayers which sanctify sin.

In answer to a question asked at General Synod (Q52), which requested assurance that such prayers were not a departure from the doctrine of the Church, the Bishop of Leicester replied that they did ‘not involve any departure from doctrine in “any essential matter”.’ Yet the apostle Paul indicates quite clearly that those who engage in sexual immorality, including homosexual acts, will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Ephesians 5:3-5), for on accounts of such behaviour, the wrath of God is coming (Colossians 3:5-7; Revelation 22:15). How can any bishop, let alone the majority of the House of Bishops claim that sexual immorality is not an ‘essential matter’ of doctrine when it affects one’s salvation?

Like the Pharisees of old, they incur the same judgment of Jesus that they are blind guides, who will be uprooted, for they refuse to believe that sexual immorality defiles a person (Matthew 15:10-20).

Gafcon provinces stand with the members of the Alliance who desire a third province in the Church of England, and who recently commissioned overseers to provide pastoral care for those who are in impaired communion with their bishops. We endorse these developments. While we recognise the legal complexities of the Church of England, we support the creation of a third province for those who wish to remain in the Established Church. While we have already made provision for the Anglican Network in Europe, which includes three biblically orthodox dioceses operating in England and Europe, Gafcon supports all faithful Anglicans, whether they choose to stay and provide a witness to the truth in their home church, or whether they wish to leave for the sake of conscience. Wherever faithful Anglicans find themselves, Gafcon is ready to support, encourage and defend them—they are not alone.

The Most Revd. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council
Archbishop & Primate of Rwanda (EAR)
Bishop of Gasabo.

– Also published at the Gafcon website.

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