The Limitations of Lambeth
“In less than a week’s time Anglican bishops from around the world will gather for what is usually a decennial Lambeth Conference in London.
This year, a sizeable number of bishops will not be attending the conference in protest at what they see as departures from biblical truth and standards of behaviour by a growing number of provinces in the Anglican Communion. They hold little hope that these departures will be addressed by the conference since so many of the bishops who will be attending have promoted them or have refused to speak against them.
It is important to manage our expectations as the conference approaches. …”
– Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson reminds us where the true authority lies for the churches of the Anglican Communion.
LAMBETH 1998: Diary from the Last True Lambeth Conference
“This is the 24th anniversary of the historic 1998 Lambeth Conference, which is remembered for its Resolution I.10 on Human Sexuality.
I was present there, representing the American Anglican Council (AAC). In this capacity I filed a three-week ‘Diary’ of the Conference. I am posting this diary without revision, except for the final week.
Lambeth 1998 was the last Conference convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury to attempt to resolve anything of substance. The 2008 Lambeth Conference left behind a undigested glob of ‘indaba.’ The 2022 Conference promises much of the same with a series of indistinct trumpet ‘calls.’ It may be said that the Conference is already all over but the photo op, which no doubt is exactly what the planners intend.
The mantle of serious Anglican discourse has now passed to the Global Anglican Future Conferences, especially those in 2008 and 2018. …”
– The Rev Dr Stephen Noll has published his first hand account of Lambeth 1988 – what he calls “the last true Lambeth Conference”.
Fascinating and sobering. And thank God for GAFCON!
What will happen at Lambeth 2022?
“The Lambeth Conference which is set to take place from 26 July to 6 August, last met with all Anglican bishops in attendance in 1998 – 24 years ago. …”
– At Anglican Mainstream Canon Chris Sugden in the UK gives some background to the coming Lambeth Conference.
He points out the reason some provinces will not be attending: “The Africans’ boycott is the consequence not the cause of disunity.”
Lambeth speaks plainly (that was then) – Dr Stephen Noll.
African Primates chide the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Secretary General
“We note Your Grace’s statement that ‘Canterbury, or to be clear, the Church of England has not in any way changed its teaching on marriage or the place of sexual relations’. We doubt if this claim can be justified by trends and moves by the Church of England in regard to blessing of same-sex marriages. …
Right from the earliest Council in Acts 15, and other instances from the Epistles where there were reports of lifestyle in direct opposition to Scripture, there was no place where Christians were enjoined to continue to fellowship with the disobedient members of the Church. The admonition is to ‘Come out of them’ and ‘Do not be unequally yoked together’ (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).”
– In response to the letter from Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Secretary General of the Anglican Communion Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, to three African Primates about their non-attendance at the coming Lambeth Conference, the three Primates have replied in clear and straightforward language. Read their reply at Anglican Ink.
Photo: Justin Welby and Josiah Idowu-Fearon.
Archbishop Welby denounces as un-biblical the decision of African Primates to skip the Lambeth Conference
“The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has written to the Primates of Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda to tell them that his invitation to bishops from their provinces to attend the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops remains open.
In a joint letter with the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, Archbishop Justin said: ‘God calls us to unity and not to conflict so that the world may know he came from the Father. That is the very purpose of the church globally.‘…”
– Published last week by Anglican Ink.
See Archbishop Welby’s letter here (PDF file).
The Archbishop of Canterbury states that “the Church of England, has not in any way changed its teaching on marriage or the place of sexual relations”.
However, Archbishop Welby, who promised in his consecration vows to be “ready, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God’s Word; and both privately and openly to call upon and encourage others to the same” has invited several bishops who are in same-sex marriages to the Lambeth Conference.
The anatomy of an Anglican service
From The Australian Church Record:
“Today we begin a new series of five articles on the elements that make up an Anglican service.
These pieces by the Moore College student orientation team were developed in 2022 to help new students understand the theological logic behind the Anglican services – based on the Book of Common Prayer – that are followed in Moore College chapel.
We’re sharing these because they help to demonstrate how and why Anglicans do what we do in church, for the encouragement and building up of the saints to maturity in Jesus Christ. We hope that you find them beneficial!”
Published so far –
More to come at The Australian Church Record.
Portrait of Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke.
The Challenges of Global Anglicanism #7: Anglican evangelicalism
From Church Society in the UK:
“Bishop Henry Scriven, General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion reflects on the future for Anglican evangelicals around the world in his contribution to our Lent series for 2022.”
The Challenges of Global Anglicanism #6: Episcopacy in England, Africa and North America
Church Society is continuing its series on the Challenges of Global Anglicanism:
“Lee Gatiss introduces three bishops from different parts of the Anglican world who speak about episcopacy and being a bishop today.
The bishops are: Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone in the Church of England; Stephen Fagbemi, Bishop of Owo in the Church of Nigeria; and Julian Dobbs, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).”
‘Take a stand’ – says Michael Youssef
“The problems in America all started in the pulpits … when the authority of the Scripture ceased – with it came the confusion that we are facing now.” – Dr Michael Youssef.
From The Pastor’s Heart –
“‘Stand for Christ. Stand for the truth. And let the chips fall where they may.”
Senior Pastor of Atlanta’s Church of the Apostles, Dr Michael Youssef, has a prophetic call to share with evangelical pastors today. It is to not give up trust in the scriptures in the face of contemporary challenges on sexuality.
Dr Youssef tells the story of leading his church to depart the US Episcopal Church when the denomination moved against biblical teaching on sexuality, and the way God has blessed them since.
In light of all this, Dr Youssef quotes 1 Samuel saying, ‘Those who honour me I will honour.’
Speaking in terms of the Sydney Anglican Church, Dr Youssef says, ‘I know this diocese, I love this diocese, and I know that God will continue to bless this Diocese even more… when you take a stand.’
Dr Youseff says, ‘Everyone I know who honoured the Lord and took a stand, God blessed that.’”
– Very encouraging. Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.
Do watch it all. Dr. Youssef also speaks of his first days in Sydney and those who had a huge influence in his life – including Donald and Marie Robinson, Moore College, and learning Biblical Theology.
Praying at the foot of the Cross
“The pain of the world, the reality of death and the uncertainty of life has been made acute by the long struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic and by the war that has broken out in Ukraine just this past week. That is the context in which Christians across the world are called to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ.
So now like never before we need to personally know the transforming love of Christ and the living hope we have in Him. And there is no place to experience these powerful realities than at the foot of the Cross.
As we gather at the foot of the Cross and behold our Lord, there are three dimensions that shape our posture. …”
– The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah, former Bishop of Singapore, calls Christians to worship at the foot of the Cross. This Lent devotion was published by the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches.
(Image courtesy St. Andrew’s Cathedral Singapore.)
Peter Jensen: The Challenges of Global Anglicanism — The Mission of the Church
From Church Society:
“In this first of our 2022 Lent series on the challenges of Global Anglicanism, Rt Revd Peter Jensen former Archbishop of Sydney and General Secretary of GAFCON, speaks about the challenge of taking the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world.
He identifies three challenges: identity, truth and relationships.”
Good to watch and share.
Australian Anglicans and Sexuality — with David Bennett
From The Pastor’s Heart –
“Australian Anglican Evangelicals are praying that the Australian national Bishops meeting (in March) and the General Synod (8-16 May) will affirm the Bible’s teaching on marriage, sexuality and chastity.
The General Synod will consider three motions and two propositions affirming the Bible’s teaching on marriage and chastity. …
David Bennett is a former Sydney gay activist, now a Christian, and a member of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s College of Evangelists.”
Archbishop Janani Luwum — martyr for Christ — remembered
Forty-five years ago today, Archbishop Janani Luwum, Anglican Archbishop of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Boga-Zaire, was assassinated, apparently on the orders of Ugandan President Idi Amin.
The event was a turning point – both for Uganda and for the Church.
Read about Archbishop Luwum at the Church of Uganda website and give thanks for his courage in the face of death as well as for the resulting preaching of the gospel.
Photo of Archbishop Luwum with President Idi Amin (right) via this article at Taarifa Rwanda –
“The Archbishop was separated from his bishops. As he was taken away Archbishop Luwum turned to his brother bishops and said: ‘Do not be afraid. I see God’s hand in this.’
The next morning it was announced that Archbishop Luwum had been killed in a car crash.
His body was placed in a sealed coffin and sent to his native village for burial there.
However, the villagers opened the coffin and discovered the bullet holes.”
Moderator of the Church of Pakistan calls for prayer following attack
The Moderator of the Church of Pakistan calls for prayer after last week’s attack on two Anglican pastors in Peshawar.
Anglican Mainstream is hosting a short video asking for your prayers.
Christmas message from the Archbishop of Canterbury
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Christmas message to the Anglican Communion is a somewhat sombre affair, with a focus on COVID, Climate Change, and the coming Lambeth Conference.
Canadian commentator and author Mark Steyn on GBNews spoke overnight on the Church of England’s missed opportunities during COVID lockdowns.