New song for Christmas from Emu Music
Emu Music has released a beautiful new song for Christmas – Jesus is His Name.
Watch at the link – and audio tracks and sheet music are also available.
Our missionary faith – Matthew 28:16-20
Last week, Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson spoke about The Great Commission as the College comes to the end of the academic year.
It’s not only Moore College students who need to be reminded why we’re here.
Watch or listen at the Moore College website. Most encouraging.
Latest news from George Whitefield College, Nov 2022
Here’s the latest newsletter from George Whitefield College in Capetown.
As many of our readers will know, the college has historic and strong links with Sydney.
Read online or download the PDF version.
Bathurst newsletter November 2022
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder writes:
“Please find attached the first of a semi-regular newsletter from me as a way of increasing communication around the diocese – and beyond!”
– Download the newsletter here as a PDF file. Food for prayer.
How do we get the whole church engaged in evangelism? — with Gavin Perkins
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“How do you grow your church’s evangelistic ecosystem? Is that possible?
83% of Gavin’s church members see personal evangelism as an individual responsibility.
And yet most 60% of them had at maximum of two spiritual conversations with non Christians in the last six months.
Gavin Perkins has been researching what are the blockers to personal evangelism? How might we overcome them?
How could we create a congregational ecosystem where individuals take personal evangelistic initiative? …”
– Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.
Expository Preaching Trust opportunities in 2023
“Lord willing, the EP Trust is planning the following opportunities in 2023…”
– At The Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares what they hope to be doing to promote preaching in 2023. Lather and Shave Preaching Clubs, Mentoring, Preaching Workshops.
Take a look and register interest.
Photo: David Cook speaking at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, August 2022.
Armidale Diocese The Link for Oct-Nov 2022 now out
The latest issue (October – November 2022) of The Link, the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale, has been published on the diocesan website.
Much encouraging news and food for prayer.
Download your copy here. (PDF file.)
Launch 2023
From Phillip Jensen:
This Sunday is the vital time to invite your Year 12 students to join us at Launch 2023.
The final exam will be over, they are thinking about what’s next and this is much more important than schoolies.
Launch starts with a Launch Day in December.
Launch Day
– Tuesday 13 December at Moore College
– meet other year 12s and leaders going to Launch camp
– a great Bible talk to focus priorities before the long break
– fun, friends and food provided
Launch Camp
– 30 January – 2nd February 2023
– Katoomba, KCC and CMS sites
Launch camp has been an enormous help to so many students as they begin uni days with Christian friends and enfolded in uni Christian ministries.
The aim of Launch is to work out together what it means to live for Jesus in the transition to post-school life – years that are likely to be the most formative years of life.
Details and registration. And download a flyer.
The Class of Chappo — A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ
Tuesday 22 November 2022. 7:30pm
A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ.
The evening will include:
- Philip Jensen on Evangelism in Tough Times
- Kanishka Raffel on Evangelism and the Local Church
- The launch of The Class of Chappo, edited and contributed to by David Mansfield, along with 27 other contributors.
- The launch of About Love, written and published by David Mansfield on the second half of John’s Gospel and a kind of sequel to About Life which David wrote more than 20 years ago.
- Baden Stace on his recently launched book, Sydney’s One Special Evangelist: John C. Chapman and the Shaping of Anglican Evangelicalism and Australian Religious Life, 1968-2001.
Details and booking from Moore College.
Illustration from a Department of Evangelism videocassette cover, 1986.
New Anglican Bishops for England and Europe
“It was a great privilege to journey from Oxford to Yorkshire last Friday (21 October) to witness the consecration of two of our distinguished Wycliffe Hall alumni as new Anglican bishops. There was a buzz of excitement in the air at the inauguration of their new ministries, and exhilaration at the gospel bonds which draw together the global Anglican family.
In a variation to the usual liturgy, the new bishops were doffed on the head with a Bible and exhorted, “Remember that you are always under the Word of God.”
We weren’t gathered, however, in the Gothic glories of York Minster, but in a converted warehouse on an industrial estate in Hull, lent for the occasion by a local Vineyard church. This was not the Church of England, but a much younger ministry, the Anglican Network in Europe.
Global leaders in the Anglican Communion, associated with Gafcon, gave the consecration their full backing. … The platform was a wonderful global array.”
– At Psephizo, Andrew Atherstone shares his impressions of Friday night’s consecrations in Leeds, as well as giving some background to the Anglican Network in Europe and the Anglican Mission in England. He also has some suggestions for the future of ANiE and ACE.
Stopping the Rot
“Andrew Thorburn’s recent ejection from the CEO’s role at Essendon has heightened the concerns many of us already have about the direction of our society.
We seem to be headed to a place where, not only will life be harder for Christians, but many destructive evils are being allowed to spread unchecked—all kinds of sexual immorality, substance addiction, and greed. At the same time, many freedoms we have taken for granted, like freedom of speech and freedom of association, are being curtailed.
What should we do about it?…
the Lord Jesus has told us the way that he wants all of us to influence our society”
– Neil Chambers has some encouragement for you at The Gospel Coalition Australia.
Family Bible Reading – Interview with the Windsors
The Australian Church Record asks Bronwyn and Lionel Windsor about their family, prayer, and reading the Bible.
“To begin with, we read a children’s Bible with our baby daughter before bedtime, even though ‘reading’ meant she only wanted to find all the pages with pictures of camels.”
– Encouragement for families in all stages of life.
Don’t Quiet Quit your Faith
“Quiet quitting is a phrase that rose in popularity at the beginning of this year, mainly through a viral video on TikTok.
Quiet quitting is the idea that you do the bare minimum that your job requires. You don’t go above and beyond. You don’t complete any unpaid tasks and you draw strict boundaries around your work and personal life. …”
– Jocelyn Loane writes at The Australian Church Record.
Re-Imagining Success in Ministry
“We need a new model for the church. Actually, the model we need is an old one. We need churches in which the key indicator of success is not evident results but persevering biblical faithfulness. …”
– This week 9Marks is highlighting this 2010 article by Mark Dever – excerpted from Nine Marks of a Healthy Church – for your encouragement and edification.
Chronics and the cross
“An older Christian once told me, ‘if you live long enough, you will suffer’. Over the years, I have seen how true this statement is and for our young family, it has been around the area of health.
As I look back, I have vivid memories of two occasions where my wife and I sat anxiously while the doctors were trying their best to deliver to us sad and life-changing news.
Having walked through such dark moments, I am now even more convinced that we need a good theology of suffering. This is especially so, given the rise of the wealth-and-health gospel, which though appealing, does not prepare Christians for the grim reality of the brokenness of life this side of heaven. …”
– At The Australian Church Record, Moore College graduate Tawanda Masango writes from Zimbabwe.
Also hear his podcast from June 2020 – COVID-19, God’s Megaphone.
Photo: Gospel Coalition, Africa edition.