Hard to believe the Anglican Communion would survive — Vaughan Roberts

Posted on February 9, 2023 
Filed under Anglican Communion, Church of England, Culture wars

In his words to the Church of England General Synod on Wednesday afternoon UK time, Vaughan Roberts warned the chamber of the massive implications of following the lead of the House of Bishops in blessing same-sex marriages (among other relationships).

Watch his address from 25 minutes, 53 seconds into the video.

(Please note that the links will take you to the correct spot in the video if viewed on a desktop / laptop computer, but on the mobile browsers we tested, they default to the start of the video. In that case, just scrub to the correct time.)

Other notable speeches in favour of amendments includes those by Dr Ian Paul – from 4 hours, 18 minutes, 20 seconds – he asks the bishops to show the theological and Scriptural basis for their recommendations –

And many of our readers will be heartened by the impassioned plea from Ben John. He was appealing to the Synod to decline to welcome the House of Bishops’ proposals for the blessing of same-sex relationships.

See it from 4 hours, 38 minutes and 50 seconds

This was after his concerns had been been dismissed earlier by the Bishop of York.

His father, evangelist J. John, reflects on that incident at Christian Today. –

“Ben was speaking at General Synod, doing no more than justifying the historic position of the Church of England and, indeed, of the majority of churches within the Anglican Communion and asking the question, ‘What measures are in place if bishops fail to believe, teach or uphold doctrine?’ Now, I should say that I’m not concerned about defending Ben; he is perfectly capable of standing up for himself, and that is a good and pertinent question.

The question was met with a response from no less than the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, who, I remind you, is the second most senior cleric in the Church of England. Normally, the speech of senior Anglican clerics overflows with bland politeness, seeks to reassure questioners that their views are being heard and offers some measure of a reasoned answer. Today, all this was forgotten and what we got instead, with remarkable frankness, were the archbishop’s own views. There was no answer to the question posed, although the superior and frankly condescending tone adopted clearly implied that the rank of archbishop put you above accountability on doctrinal matters.”

Here’s what was being debated:

The debates on the House of Bishops’ proposals will continue on Thursday (night, Australian time).

Do pray for all the members of General Synod who seek to hold the Church of England to the revealed truth of the Bible.