Spiritual Formation: the rise of a tradition
“Spiritual formation” seems to be an innocuous phrase, for Christians; a good thing to do, what we would want for ourselves and others. It is in use in general church circles, and in more formal literature. In particular, if one investigates developments concerning theological education, it is very clear that spiritual formation is what theological education should be about. …
“Spiritual formation” seems a reasonable thing for Christians to do, but what exactly does it mean, and why is it seen as the main purpose of theological education? …
– Church Society has published some excerpts from an article by Kirsty Birkett in the current issue of Churchman.
On Preaching, the Supper, and the Unity of the Church
“Recently, the well-known pastor and author Francis Chan made some alarming comments about preaching, the Lord’s Supper, and the unity of the church.
In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan Leeman chats with Mark Dever, Bobby Jamieson, and Mark Feather about Chan’s comments in particular and the topics of preaching, the Supper, and unity more generally.”
– Listen here.
Prayer: the heart of evangelism (Ephesians 6:17–20)
“One of the best things we can pray for is that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will go out to the world, both through us and through others.”
– Lionel Windsor nears the end of Ephesians and comes to a key passage.
(Photo: GAFCON.)
GAFCON ‘Life up your hearts’ devotions continued
GAFCON has been continuing to publish “Lift up your hearts“, a devotional which began in Advent.
See all that have been published here.
The importance of being a struggling Christian (Ephesians 6:14–16)
“Do you ever feel like the Christian life is a struggle? Struggling is normal for Christians. In fact, it’s not just normal. Christians should be struggling!”
– Lionel Windsor continues his exposition of Ephesians.
Stand your ground (Ephesians 6:10–13)
“It’s easy to ignore the spiritual realities of life. But Paul reminds us we should live our ordinary, everyday lives in light of spiritual realities. …”
– Lionel Windsor turns to this key passage in Ephesians 6, with a reminder of important spiritual realities at the start of 2020.
The gospel for the boss (Ephesians 6:9)
“Authority implies responsibility. Christians, who have a heavenly Lord and Saviour, have a special reason to be responsible in the way we use our authority.”
– Lionel Windsor turns to the exhortations in Ephesians 6:9 and their application today. At Forget the Channel.
Rejoice that He is with us
“Emmanuel is, for me, one of the most precious words in the New Testament.
The Greek word is a transliteration of the Hebrew phrase, meaning “God with us”. Although only occurring once in Matthew 1:23, where it is a translation of the Hebrew phrase that appears in Isaiah 7:14 and 8:8, it is rich in meaning and has become regularly associated with both Advent and Christmas carols. Jesus is our Emmanuel (or Immanuel to reflect the original Hebrew).”
– Archbishop Glenn Davies shares this Christmas reflection. At SydneyAnglicans.net.
Book Review of ‘God’s Good Design’ (2nd edition)
“All too often modern Christian teaching on the place of men and women in the church is in the context of argument and debate.
Fundamentally, the debate between those who would call themselves complementarian and those would call themselves egalitarian. However, even within those who hold a complementarian position there is debate between those who would disagree about where lines should be drawn. While this can’t be helped it can lead to some unfortunate consequences. Most notably we can deal ‘fast and loose’ with the text of the Scriptures, overstating arguments to support ‘our position’.
This is where Claire Smith’s ‘God’s Good Design’, first released in 2012 and now in its second edition has proven such a valuable resource. …”
– At Equal But Different, Phil and Victoria Colgan review the second edition of ‘God’s Good Design – What the Bible really says about Men and Women’ by Claire Smith.
Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning – latest 9Marks Journal
The latest 9Marks Journal focusses on the issue of Complementarianism.
From this issue: Rosaria Butterfield, How Psalm 113 Changed My Life –
“Pastor Ken Smith told us to open our Psalters to Psalm 113A in The Book of Psalms for Singing.
I jumped in with mouth open wide.
But before I realized what was coming out of my mouth, I sang the last lines of the psalm and implicated myself into what I believed then was hateful patriarchy and institutionalized misogyny. …”
The gospel and fatherhood (Ephesians 6:4)
Fathers: Do you sometimes wish your children were born with an instruction manual? Being a dad is a big responsibility. Paul here provides valuable direction.
– Read or listen at Forget the Channel, as Lionel Windsor helps unpack Ephesians 6:4.
Paul the Apostle does children’s ministry (Ephesians 6:1–3)
Children’s ministry is important. Paul’s short instruction to children is deeply soaked in theology, biblical theology, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lionel Windsor turns to an neglected part of Ephesians chapter 6.
Droughts, Fires and Other Disasters
“what is the Christian to make of what we call natural disasters?”
– Presbyterian Moderator-General Peter Barnes offers a Christian perspective.
The gospel and marriage part 1: Wives (Ephesians 5:22–24)
“What Paul says in Ephesians about Christian wives and submission only makes sense in light of what he’s already said about the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Lionel Windsor reaches Ephesians 5:22–24 in his journey through Ephesians.
Read or listen at Forget The Channel.
Submitting to one another (Ephesians 5:21)
“Let’s face it: I’m a 21st century Westerner. More than that, I’m an Australian. So naturally, I have a deeply ingrained, culturally conditioned reaction against authority and ordered relationships.
This anti-authoritarian reflex is part of my cultural heritage. The generation before mine was a generation of social revolutionaries, overturning all kinds of social norms in the name of justice, liberty, and equality. Going back a few centuries, my cultural ancestors were convicts – underdogs chained up and transported here by the British Empire for all sorts of misdemeanours: political insurrection, stealing handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
This heritage has made a deep impact on me. Instinctively, I don’t like ordered relationships. I want to sit in the front seat of a taxi next to the driver, not in the back like Lord Muck as if I’ve got tickets on myself. I’m uncomfortable with people making something of me just because of my position or status. I run away screaming when people use titles like ‘Reverend‘ and ‘Doctor’ (well, not literally, but at least this is what I’m doing on the inside). I feel the Aussie reflex to cut down the ‘tall poppies’, to make sure everyone’s on the same level. …”
– The Rev. Dr. Lionel Windsor helps unpack Ephesians 5:21. Take the time to read or listen – at Forget the Channel.