Canberra-Goulburn agrees to structural partnership with Bathurst and Riverina

Posted on September 5, 2011 
Filed under Australia

From the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn:

“The Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn has agreed to be part of a structural “partnership” with three Anglican Dioceses – covering the ACT and most of NSW – in response to a plea for financial assistance from the Diocese of Bathurst.

The agreement will be between the Dioceses of Canberra-Goulburn, Bathurst and Riverina. It covers Anglicare, Diocesan schools, administration and finances but it stops short of a full merger. Parishes from Broken Hill to Bourke to Bega will be covered by the arrangement. 

The Synod strongly endorsed the motion to “extend the co-operation… between the Dioceses of Bathurst, Canberra and Goulburn and Riverina by… rationalising administration, corporate services, and property management… Whilst preserving the sovereign integrity of each Diocese.”

Earlier in his Presidential Address, the Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn, Stuart Robinson, encouraged Synod to support the plan on the basis of Christian hospitality.

“Taking the next step to deepen the Tri-Diocesan relationship is a question of hospitality. Our friends are asking for assistance in the continued exercise of mission; their needs are financial and structural – and they are immediate,” he said.

“ We are being asked to assist our sisters and brothers (most particularly in the diocese of Bathurst) in the advance of the gospel. And God’s word is compelling at this point… We have the expertise and we can, I believe, make the resources available.”

In an unusual move, the Bishop of Bathurst, Richard Hurford, addressed the Canberra-Goulburn Synod on Saturday morning to ask for help. The Diocese of Bathurst is facing significant financial challenges and needs a cash injection reduce debt. The proposal before Synod tackles this issue because it is an equity sharing partnership.

In a pastoral letter to his parishes distributed on the weekend, the Bishop of Bathurst, Richard Hurford, said they had “explored a number of options which have not borne fruit”.

“l profoundly regret that this matter has not been addressed adequately in the past few years and we must now face some very tough decisions. This matter requires urgent action. If we, as the Diocese, do not implement a realistic recovery plan this year we will significantly undermine our ability to be part of God’s mission.  However together and with the support of the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn we can face the future with genuine hope.”

“The Synod of the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn has decided to support the decision to work in partnership with the Diocese of Bathurst. We now have, what we believe to be a workable solution to the issue we face. “

The plan will now go to the Synod of Bathurst Diocese in three weeks for a final decision.”