Built on Prayer: Moore College Sunday 2016

Posted on June 21, 2016 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

mcs-2016-4-420Churches will have received information packs for this year’s Moore College Sunday, set for August 7th.

Enjoy a sneak peak at the video that’s been produced to encourage you to uphold the College in prayer.

Or course, you don’t need to wait until August to pray for the College. Please don’t!

From the College:

“How wonderful to know that our College is, and continues to be, built on prayerful dependence and trust in the Almighty Creator of all.

Every year, one Sunday is carved out as an especially focussed day of uniting in prayer for our College. Moore College Sunday will happen across Sydney and beyond on August 7. Supporters, students, faculty and past College members will be joined in their asking for God’s sustained goodness towards Moore College.

To help you and your church family pray powerfully, the Moore College Sunday site is full of information and resources. You can send through prayer requests, sign up for our prayer bulletins or download sample prayers to share with your congregation.”

mcs-2016-1-420In the video, College Principal Mark Thompson is leafing through A Centenary History of Moore Theological College by Marcus Loane.