Bill Shorten to introduce private members bill to legalise ‘same-sex marriage’

Posted on May 26, 2015 
Filed under Australia

The Hon Bill Shorten MP“Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has confirmed Labor will move a bill to legalise same-sex marriage next week. …

In a statement, Mr Shorten said the time had come for Parliament to debate marriage equality and that he found it unacceptable current laws excluded some individuals.”

– Report from ABC News. (Photo:

Update: The Australian Christian Lobby has issued this media release

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s same-sex marriage bill fails to consider the consequences of changing the definition of marriage in law, according the Australian Christian Lobby.

“It is disappointing that Australia’s alternative prime minister is legislating a family structure which requires a child to miss out on their mum or dad.

“Many Australians are watching with great concern as florists, photographers and cake makers in other countries are being legally punished simply because they prefer not to participate in a same-sex wedding.

“I wonder if Mr Shorten has considered the consequences of changing the definition of marriage,” Mr Shelton said.

“We urge parliamentarians to vote against the bill.”