Bibles for Japan — Bible League request

Posted on March 18, 2011 
Filed under News

Here’s a press release from the Bible League in Australia – perhaps you can help:

Urgent Request from Churches in Japan for Bibles

The recent earthquake and tsunami that has devastated parts of Japan has shocked us all.  It is hard for us in Australia to fully comprehend the enormity of the disaster. Whole communities have been wiped out and tens of thousands are unaccounted for, presumed dead. Many have lost their home, family, friends, income and hope.

Through our international office we have received an urgent request from the Evangelical Churches in Japan for Bibles. The Bibles will be distributed in the areas most affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Included with the Bibles will be study materials to assist the churches with their humanitarian and pastoral care.

With Christians comprising less than 1.5% of Japan’s population of 127 million, there is an unprecedented opportunity to bring the true hope and assurance found only in God’s Word to many whose lives and security have been shattered.

Bibles are being sourced at the special discount rate of $2.50 each and our target is to supply a minimum of 20,000 copies. Your donation will help Bible League meet this urgent need for Bibles in Japan. To make a donation contact Bible League on 1800 800 937 [in Australia] or visit our website at