Around the Anglican Church of Australia 27 February 2016

Posted on February 27, 2016 
Filed under Australian dioceses

How should Anglicans respond to climate change?Here are a few snippets from around the Anglican Church of Australia this weekend.

Please pray that all of us will keep Christ’s saving gospel front and centre, and proclaim it clearly, as we should (Colossians 4:4, Matthew 28:16-20):


Anglican Media Melbourne has this video from a forum held on Ash Wednesday. One of the speakers was The Rev Andy Bowman (pictured), Co-Director of the Anglican Alliance:

“Ash Wednesday’s appropriate because first, we’ve got to lament the kind of poor response we’ve shown over the last two decades – and so we began the day today thinking about how we should be grieving that, how we should be seeking forgiveness about that…”

“… How can we restore the Earth to what it should be – what it was – when God first created it and gave us that great responsibility of stewarding it.”

North Queensland

The funeral of Bishop John Lewis (Bishop of North Queensland 1971-1996) will be held at St. James’ Cathedral in Townsville, today Saturday 27th February.

In his weekly bulletin, current bishop Bill Ray explains that he is sorry medical reasons prevent him being at next month’s Australian Bishops’ Conference in South Australia. He writes:

“Despite what you may have read in the press, it has been my experience that each Bishops’ Meeting is a time of fellowship and learning as well as a time where people show respect to each other.

I have found each conference very helpful and I am disappointed that I will not be present.”


Bathurst Diocese is advertising an Encouragement Workshop at St. John’s Wellington in March.

Canberra & Goulburn

Canberra– Goulburn Diocese reports that a UK expert in children’s church, The Rev Mark Griffiths, is touring regional areas next month to help churches reach young people.


The Diocese of Perth has an essay on “Liberation theology in modern Australia”.